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Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In
It would be great if we met in Encinitas. That is a great place for me. My surgery is November 17 and I would love to hear everyone's experience. See you soon!
Topic: RE: Under the knife in 2 days.....
Thanks Sara and Deanna! I appreciate the boost of confidence! I'm really nervous!! Going to bed now, surgery is at 0730 in the morning. Will keep you up to date when I get home.
Topic: RE: progress report
Omg!!!!!! cant believe that you are going thru so much my prayers are with you and i hope everything gets better from now on. hugs and kisses!!!
Topic: RE: Im home and have questions!
Hey hun im sooo happy that you are doing good. I had my period for a month and was gone for like 2 to 3 weeks and it is back again! :( doc says it's normal but it's bothersome! Its really good to get up and walk around. You will feel great in no time! Zip Zip Zip the water slowly it gets better with time and the sound starts to go away little by little. Soooo happy everyone is doing good!!! hugs to everyone
Topic: RE: progress report
I am SOOOO happy that you are on the mend now and here with us. You gave us all quite the scare missy!! 
My gosh, what a cluster *bleep* that must have been. I can only imagine, but you obviously are meant to be here with us.

My gosh, what a cluster *bleep* that must have been. I can only imagine, but you obviously are meant to be here with us.
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
Surgery Date 8/25/2011
Highest Weight 310lbs - Current Weight 154lbs - Goal Weight 175lbs
Topic: RE: progress report
Dear Janet......I am so sorry that you experienced this but I know for positive that you are here today because your kids need you, your grandchildren and all of us ladies in the group......keep getting stronger so we can go shopping at the Jones New York Outlet.....ok???:)D
Topic: progress report
Hello all! This past month has been very trying. I now am aware that I was going through drug
detox'ing during my time @ Scripps-Mercy. I take a lot of meds & some should have not been stopped so abruptly - detoxing cold turkey, I could have died & none of the nurses noticed the signs. So I came home very traumatized over the experience, which left my body in a weakened state. I began my meds back up again per the schedule of Dr. Zorn & then experienced shock from their reintroduction, causing my arms to go spastic, unable to hold anything - they were just flailing about. I was too afraid to go back to the hospital. Then I fell backwards into my tub, bruising my entire back & I'm still trying to figure out if I have bruised it or broke my tailbone.. The next day my legs kept giving out from under me -- making me run my head into a door jamb. I still would not go to a hospital. Well, I then developed a DVT in my right leg, still refusing hospital until I could no longer walk. The night before I knew I had to go to a hospital I felt a DVT forming in my left leg (and it was like a cluster of grapes) Does it end here--no. I go to the ER (kaiser) telling them about my DVT's and they tell me I'm in renal failure (!) with my kidney's only functioing @ 4%. They took me to surgery where a small piece of one of the clots traveled to my lung forcing the Dr's had to bring me out of anesthesia, stabilize me then go back in again. I was septic with E. Coli (normally found in the gut) in my blood. 95% of people never make it back from that edge of death. But here & I am alive. I brought my computer to the hospital but Kaiser is iron clad - can't get a signal in. I did lose 20# in the hospital, but then started pumping me with fluids & I was right back to my pre-surgery wgt. I see Dr Zorn tomorrow & I'll let you all know what I weigh now. Just been home for a couple of days and trying to regain some strength. So, I escaped death twice in a month.
detox'ing during my time @ Scripps-Mercy. I take a lot of meds & some should have not been stopped so abruptly - detoxing cold turkey, I could have died & none of the nurses noticed the signs. So I came home very traumatized over the experience, which left my body in a weakened state. I began my meds back up again per the schedule of Dr. Zorn & then experienced shock from their reintroduction, causing my arms to go spastic, unable to hold anything - they were just flailing about. I was too afraid to go back to the hospital. Then I fell backwards into my tub, bruising my entire back & I'm still trying to figure out if I have bruised it or broke my tailbone.. The next day my legs kept giving out from under me -- making me run my head into a door jamb. I still would not go to a hospital. Well, I then developed a DVT in my right leg, still refusing hospital until I could no longer walk. The night before I knew I had to go to a hospital I felt a DVT forming in my left leg (and it was like a cluster of grapes) Does it end here--no. I go to the ER (kaiser) telling them about my DVT's and they tell me I'm in renal failure (!) with my kidney's only functioing @ 4%. They took me to surgery where a small piece of one of the clots traveled to my lung forcing the Dr's had to bring me out of anesthesia, stabilize me then go back in again. I was septic with E. Coli (normally found in the gut) in my blood. 95% of people never make it back from that edge of death. But here & I am alive. I brought my computer to the hospital but Kaiser is iron clad - can't get a signal in. I did lose 20# in the hospital, but then started pumping me with fluids & I was right back to my pre-surgery wgt. I see Dr Zorn tomorrow & I'll let you all know what I weigh now. Just been home for a couple of days and trying to regain some strength. So, I escaped death twice in a month.
Topic: RE: Under the knife in 2 days.....
hi Kristyne....yup...ya have to let go and remember that you are after a long term result. I am very glad that I have gone this route.....some of the things are hard but it is worth it...hugz:)D