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Topic: RE: Get together this Sunday 10/23
Nice! I'd love to catch up. See ya there

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: RE: Get together this Sunday 10/23
Great 760-497-0869! See ya Sunday
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: RE: Kristyne
No I haven't heard. I wonder if she will be in the hospital still on Sat. I could run by and say HI.
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: Kristyne
Hi everyone-
Has anyone heard how her surgery went? It was yesterday morning.
Has anyone heard how her surgery went? It was yesterday morning.
Topic: RE: Get together this Sunday 10/23
That seems great. I'd love to see you all and that is 20 minutes from where I am and a beautiful drive.
Topic: RE: Get together this Sunday 10/23
Im iffy for now. Won't be leaving LA until after midnight on Saturday night, so I may still be Zzzzzzz'ing in bed.
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
Surgery Date 8/25/2011
Highest Weight 310lbs - Current Weight 154lbs - Goal Weight 175lbs
Topic: RE: Get together this Sunday 10/23
Hi Becca....I'm IN but I don't finish my church service until about 10"40 so will come right after it is about a cell # so I can find ya??:)D
Topic: Get together this Sunday 10/23
Hi Ladies,
Just getting a head count of who might be up for a walk and a smoothie this Sunday in Encinitas.
I was hoping we could meet on the grass area (by the Easter Island palm tree head) at Swami's Seaside Park about 10:30am.
We could go for a walk, geta smoothie, then check out SRF gardens (after they open at 11:00).
PS The tide pools at Swami's are pretty cool too.
Here's a link with directions\'s+Be ach,+Encinitas,[email protected],-117.293794&ie=UTF8&ll=33.03644 2,-117.293794&spn=0.008077,0.018454&z=16&iwloc=addr
Just getting a head count of who might be up for a walk and a smoothie this Sunday in Encinitas.

I was hoping we could meet on the grass area (by the Easter Island palm tree head) at Swami's Seaside Park about 10:30am.
We could go for a walk, geta smoothie, then check out SRF gardens (after they open at 11:00).
PS The tide pools at Swami's are pretty cool too.
Here's a link with directions\'s+Be ach,+Encinitas,[email protected],-117.293794&ie=UTF8&ll=33.03644 2,-117.293794&spn=0.008077,0.018454&z=16&iwloc=addr
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: RE: Im home and have questions!
Hi Deb-
I'm so happy to hear things are going well. I hope we can all see each other soon.
I'm so happy to hear things are going well. I hope we can all see each other soon.
Topic: RE: progress report
WOW you were really on the "what else can go wrong" train!! I guess I should stop whinning about my cramps and gas. I will be praying for yu and know you have afighters spirit or you wouldn't be here today!
Did someone say Jones Outlet???

PS Ms Sara nice to hear from you! How goes it?
Did someone say Jones Outlet???

PS Ms Sara nice to hear from you! How goes it?