Kingston Ontario WLS Support
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Again sorry that I didn't see these messages posted.
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Ongwanada Resource Centre on Portsmouth Avenue at 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
We are also having a meet and greet picnic at Lemoine Point on June 8th if you are able to join us.
Hi sorry I have been busy and obviously haven't been diligent in checking the site for questions. (I thought that they were usually sent to my email address as well when posted here but I don't remember seeing it.)
Not sure if you came to our Kingston Support Group meeting last night or not but if you still need answers to your questions here they are;
No choice in what kind of surgery you get. It is totally up to the discretion of the surgeon and unless they are unable to do the RNY then that's what you will normally get.
To prepare I walked almost everyday with a friend who had surgery a year before me. I tried to eat smaller, healthier portions and I cut out pop in the months between my referral and my surgery.
I find that the biggest perk for me is that this tool allows me to easily control my portion size, which was my biggest challenge pre-op. I have always eaten fairly healthy but I definitely didn't know when to quit eating. If I liked something I would have a big 2nd helping just because it tasted good, even if I wasn't hungry. Training yourself to push away the much smaller plate when you are no longer hungry is a huge lesson and I continually need to remind myself that I need to keep doing it.
I was 16 months from referral to surgery in December 2010. I had my surgery in Ottawa with Dr. Yelle. At that time I wasn't offered a transfer and I was very happy with the staff at the Ottawa Civic and the WMC. I had 5 appts pre-op; orientation, social worker/dietician, RPN, surgeon and then pre-surgery class. Post-op I had 5 appts; 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year...then I switched my file to Kingston for further post-op follow-up appts.
I was only in the hospital overnight; I had my surgery on December 29th and the 30th is my birthday, and then it's New Year's Eve. I think Dr. Yelle knew I didn't want to be it the he offered to send me home and I jumped at the chance. I live about 1 1/2 from Ottawa and the drive was a little uncomfortable but I was really happy to be home in my own bed.
I work in an office and I booked 4 weeks off work but was ready to go back after 2 weeks. My husband told me to take it easy and we compromised on 3 weeks. I was tired the first week back but I was going crazy sitting at home.
I told some people but not everyone. I tell most people now but don't volunteer the information unless it comes into the conversation for some reason. The people I didn't tell about my surgery was either because I knew that they would try and talk me out of it or they are just in general negative attitude types. I told people I was being careful what I was eating, exercising and under a physician's care; all of which was true.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
All the best,
I am just new to the group & to the web site. I have just been scheduled for a bariatric orientation class & the information I was sent suggested I check out a few web sites, this site seems to be the most informative. I am kind of excited & scared with what will be lying a head of me & I have a lost of questions maybe some of you might be able to help with:
Did you have a choice of what type of surgery you got or because OHIP is paying for it the doctors decide what they feel is best and your choice is take it or leave it?
How long did it take from the time you had your first orientation class to your surgery?
How did you prepare for your surgery? Is there anything you know now that you would have done differently? Is there anything you learned during this process that you wished you had learned earlier?
How long were you in the hospital, & off from work?
Did you tell people like coworkers, friends, & acquaintances you were getting WLS? If so how soon & how much did you tell them? & if not how did you explain the time off & changes in your size?
Did you have your surgery here in Kingston? or is the only choice to go to Ottawa or Toronto? If you did have to go to Ottawa or Toronto how many times did you have to go back there for pre & post operation check ups?
I have more questions but that is probably enough for now.
so far the 8th looks ok for me- but if my daughter ends up graduating that weekend ( with the forces you never know) then I will have to pass-Johanna
Yes you are welcome to bring anyone who would like to join us. We will definitely have a sign-up post so we get a good variety. Until we know how many folks will be coming it's hard to gauge how much food we will need. Stay tuned....
June 8th works for me too... just a few questions tho... are we allowed to bring our husbands / wives? and how much do we bring for the pot luck? will we be signing up for something to bring so we dont all bring the same thing? I am glad its going to be at the conversation area... its a great walking spot :)
June 8th works for me as well
Referral December 3/12 ~ Orientation April 24/13 ~ Nurse Practitioner May 27/13 ~ Nutritionist May 31/13 ~ Social Worker June 3/13 ~ Sleep Study June 24/13 ~ Ultrasound June 27/13 ~ Sleep Study Results August 20/13 ~Nurse Prac. Appointment September 10/13 ~ Surgeon Appt. Dr. Glazier & Dr. Hagen October 16/13 ~ Pre-Surgical Class October 23/13 ~ PATTS November 7/13 ~ Surgery November 20/13
I believe June 8 would work for me :)
It is a bit far out (date wise) for me to know for sure at this point. But, I would love to go! :)
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

The June 1st date is not available. We can either have June 8th or 22nd if either of these dates would work. I have tentatively held the June 8th date, 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 in Picnic Area #1 (closest to the entrance) but need to get a sense of how many folks can make it that date.
Please let me know so I can either confirm the 8th, change to the 22nd or we can decide to try an alternative location for the June 1st date.