Kingston Ontario WLS Support
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I know someone going through Ottawa right now. She met the surgeon on Nov. 19 & they said she would hear back in 2-4 months with a surgery date. They called her on Jan. 2 & her surgery is Feb. 3/14.
Hope this helps :)
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

I'm new to the boards, but am hoping that I can learn from others and be supportive when needed.
I have now went through all of my testing, and have met with the surgeon (Dr. Neville in Ottawa). I was just wondering how long it took others to hear back with a date. The surgeon said I should hear in a couple of days and it has now been a week and my answering machine is getting tired of my . I don't want to call the surgeons office and be a bug, but I think maybe their idea of a couple of days and my idea of a couple of days are two entirely different things.
Hi Mel,
How are you doing? We certainly miss you but I understand about work etc. I will keep my fingers crossed that you are able to come to the February meeting, even if it's just for a little while.
We have started a secret facebook as well "Kingston WLS" if you are interested.
Take care and please keep in touch.
Hi Muriel,
I will try hard to be there, just really hard for me to make it on Thursdays at that time because of work and now in a couple weeks school. I have missed coming so hopefully I can make February work.
As well, there is a facebook support page for kingston? Can someone add me or send me the link? That would be awesome....
It will not allow me to send the request again because it is already pending. check your junk mail/spam mail for that email address. it will contain the link to the group. Or add me on facebook Anastasia Servais and I will personally join you into the group
Hey, I can't seem to find, it can you just send me an invite to it??? [email protected]
Since we didn't have a Christmas Potluck the gang decided that our February meeting would be a good time to have one. We will all be completely sick of winter by then and will need a little cheering up.
Hope to see everyone there.