Kingston Ontario WLS Support
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I was all set to go this evening...but....there was a snow squall here and traffic was just creeping along so I made an executive decision of not coming to the pot luck.... We enjoyed my dish here at home. sorry....I will make every effort to come next's been tooooo long.... I hope you all had a good time- Jo
Sorry I cant make it would have loved to have been there, See you next month
You are doing awesome Tabbitha! I knew you would make it :) It won't be long now!!
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

Day 9 of Opti is almost done for me. For the first week I was having a very hard time getting in the 4 shakes a day. They were awful tasting and smelled horrible and even the thought of them made me gag. Around day 3 or 4 I sat with a shake in front of me and cried. I didn't think I could do it. I was honestly thinking of throwing in the towel and giving up on the entire surgery. But alas, my hero. My mother gave me some flavours to add to my shakes, and I must say, they have greatly improved everything. I'm not saying I like my shakes, or look forward to them. But I no longer dread them. I no longer gag, or have to drink them over the sink or in the bathroom in case I can't get them down.
But not everything is bad! There is the good side of these drinks! I was able to zip up my winter jacket for the first time since last winter! My pants are fitting looser, and my boyfriend says I look different. So it is working! And I am so excited for this journey. I can't wait for surgery, and to begin my transformation. I can't wait to be healthy and happy.
I wish I could weigh myself to see my progress, but I am too heavy for normal bathroom scales, so I have to wait until my PATTS appointment in Ottawa for my next weigh-in. But nonetheless, I am excited. :)
Referral December 3/12 ~ Orientation April 24/13 ~ Nurse Practitioner May 27/13 ~ Nutritionist May 31/13 ~ Social Worker June 3/13 ~ Sleep Study June 24/13 ~ Ultrasound June 27/13 ~ Sleep Study Results August 20/13 ~Nurse Prac. Appointment September 10/13 ~ Surgeon Appt. Dr. Glazier & Dr. Hagen October 16/13 ~ Pre-Surgical Class October 23/13 ~ PATTS November 7/13 ~ Surgery November 20/13
Referral Sent: May-2011 Info: Sept-2011 Class: Feb 28
Nurse: April 12 Meet w/ Surgeon: April 12 Surgeon: Dr. Lindsay
Diet/Nut: April 12 Psych: April 12 OPTIFAST: June 11 Surgery Date: July 3 2012