Kingston Ontario WLS Support
Recent Posts
Topic: I have a date!!!!
Thanks Ladies for all your positive thoughts.I got a call today and I go in Nov. 15th! Im so excited!!!

Topic: November's Meeting - Guest Speaker
On our November 13th we are having a guest speaker.
The social worker from the Kingston Assessment Centre is going to join us to discuss mindful eating, head games and body image. I'm certain that he will have lots of good tips. Let me know if you have any specific questions or issues you would like him to address other than those listed above.
Please spread the word to anyone who might be interested in joining us.
I would also like to plan a potluck for our December meeting if everyone is on board with the idea.
The social worker from the Kingston Assessment Centre is going to join us to discuss mindful eating, head games and body image. I'm certain that he will have lots of good tips. Let me know if you have any specific questions or issues you would like him to address other than those listed above.
Please spread the word to anyone who might be interested in joining us.
I would also like to plan a potluck for our December meeting if everyone is on board with the idea.
Topic: RE: the tube is OUT!!!!
Oh I bet you are glad to have that part over with. We didn't get drains in Ottawa (thankfully)
Glad to hear that you are doing so well. I often stalled. I would lose 10-15 lbs then stall for awhile then lose another 10-15. I think my body just needed time to catch up. Don't stress over the scale because trust me; if you stick to the plan it will come off.
Looking forward to seeing you and Wilma on Tuesday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Glad to hear that you are doing so well. I often stalled. I would lose 10-15 lbs then stall for awhile then lose another 10-15. I think my body just needed time to catch up. Don't stress over the scale because trust me; if you stick to the plan it will come off.
Looking forward to seeing you and Wilma on Tuesday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Topic: the tube is OUT!!!!
went yesturday to HRRH and Dr Hagen took the gastrostomy tube out!! whoohoo- I feel so liberated LOL.
official weight loss at 5 wks is 33 pounds- and I have been in a stall for the past 2-3 weeks!
just wanted to update you all......Johanna
official weight loss at 5 wks is 33 pounds- and I have been in a stall for the past 2-3 weeks!
just wanted to update you all......Johanna
Topic: New Time for Meetings
Starting with the September 11th meeting our official start time will be changing from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 due to a potential conflict with the Ongwanada Boardroom. Although I suspect that the room will be free and I'll be arriving by 6:00 if anyone wants to keep me company.
Hope to see everyone there. All the best, Muriel
Hope to see everyone there. All the best, Muriel
RNY on 06/05/12
Topic: RE: 3 more sleeps!!!
so goos to hear from you. I was getting worried. Praying for a speddy recovery from here on out. Please pass on best wish's to Wilma as well. Welcome to the bench to both of you
Topic: RE: 3 more sleeps!!!
Well surgery has come and gone and come again!! Wilma did very well and was discharged on Wed. As planned while I on the other hand headed back to surgery Wed. Night for a perforation.....oh well life happens and one must go on..I was discharged today and am ever so thankful to be at home again. I must live with my new best friend "Mr Drain" for the next 3-4 weeks so by then hopefully all is healed and I can go on.....
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers they have meant so much to both Wilma and myself. Now to spend my time resting and healing and be back to. Ormal real soon
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers they have meant so much to both Wilma and myself. Now to spend my time resting and healing and be back to. Ormal real soon
RNY on 06/05/12
Topic: RE: 3 more sleeps!!!
best of luck!! Waiting to hear how the both of you made out. Sending prayers for a smooht recovery and speedy healing
Topic: RE: 3 more sleeps!!!
I laughed when I saw your message because I was logging in to send you a woo-hoo 3 more sleeps message. I'm excited for you and Wilma! Kinda makes you "Sisters" in surgery, or SIS for short. lol
I'm on vacation next week but I'll be checking in whenever possible to look for a post. I can't wait to hear how you are both make out.
All the best for Monday. Hugs to you both! Muriel
I'm on vacation next week but I'll be checking in whenever possible to look for a post. I can't wait to hear how you are both make out.
All the best for Monday. Hugs to you both! Muriel
Topic: 3 more sleeps!!!
the closer my OR date gets the more excited I become--I'm so greatful for this support group!!! it has taken alot of the unknown out of the equation and has made this process fun and easy. I thank you all for your support and well wishes and will let you know how things went when I get home.