Kingston Ontario WLS Support
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I have to be honest....I've never tried to copy and paste, and tried it this am on the main Ont. forum...go and see my "Crockpot Pumpkin Pudding" recipe that I just posted....I'm so impressed that it turned out and it was really good!! I don't see why Marge's Sweet Potatoe Casserole would not be equally the same...think I'll try that one next!! Have a great day!! Patti K.
I was wondering what happened to you two! Hope you are feeling better.
Talk soon, Muriel
Congratulations on losing over the holidays! That is an accomplishment in itself! You were missed on Tuesday night! Hope to catch up with you at the February meeting.
You know where to find me if you need to chat before hand.
Take care. Muriel
Hi Muriel...I will be unable to attend tonight...woke with a headache this am, and I spoke to Marge and she has a bad cold...sorry....see you next month!! Patti K.
Awesome, something has come up tho so I might not be there. If I get out in time I will pop by to see if you guys are still there, if not then I will see you next month. To report tho, I had an awesome december and lost another 5 pounds!! :) So psyched!!
Happy New Year to you too Melanie.
Definitely a meeting tomorrow night. See you then.
Hi Melanie...I suspect it will be this Tues. night...but lets "weight" and see for sure....Patti K.
Hey everyone, hope the holidays were good to all.
Just wondering if there is a meeting for January. I'm anxious to hear how everyone did over the holidays, even though they are not quite over yet.
Happy New Year everyone!!