Kingston Ontario WLS Support
I'm new to the boards, but am hoping that I can learn from others and be supportive when needed.
I have now went through all of my testing, and have met with the surgeon (Dr. Neville in Ottawa). I was just wondering how long it took others to hear back with a date. The surgeon said I should hear in a couple of days and it has now been a week and my answering machine is getting tired of my . I don't want to call the surgeons office and be a bug, but I think maybe their idea of a couple of days and my idea of a couple of days are two entirely different things.
I know someone going through Ottawa right now. She met the surgeon on Nov. 19 & they said she would hear back in 2-4 months with a surgery date. They called her on Jan. 2 & her surgery is Feb. 3/14.
Hope this helps :)
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...