Kingston Ontario WLS Support
Kingston Bariatric RATC
I had my orientation Wed, and it was just that, an orientation there was about 16 patients there with two of us being already post -op.
It was an introduction to RNY, information session with the Nurse Practionor, 2 of the dietitians and the Social Worker. They stressed several times that RNY was the surgery that they were promoting.
I believe once they get there feet grounded it will be a great team and i'm looking forward to it. Right now everything is very text book but as they gain knowledge I am sure they will lighten up.
They have layed some rules down
*smoke free for 6 months
*Caffine and pop free for 3 months
*below 60 years of age
*attend all meetings~ if three consecutive meetings are missed you are dismissed from the program and willneed to re register
*3 weeks of Optifast
They are doing a Bariatric Registry Study
Dr Drover, Kingston and Dr Mehran Anvari, Hamilton are the researchers involved. The database will be done over a 5 year peroid to help improve the patient treatment, the surgery and its outcome and to help better understand the effects of the different bariatric teatments.
You bet I vollunteered to be a part of this study.
So once my questionare is reviewed in 2-4 weeks I will get a call with a yes or a no.... if yes I will go to see the NP and then what ever test reqired will be done and then my name will be passed on to Ottawa or Toronto, in my case I am hoping to get Hamilton. It sounds as if most if not all patients will be sent to Ottawa.
They are really stressing 'the team' and that the patient as well as the medical field are a "TEAM". That makes me feel very good.
So other than the initial meeting with the surgeon and your OR day all other appointments and testing will be done at HDH.
Any issues that come up that need medical attention the staff will contact the WLS surgeon for advise and it will be dealt with at HDH.
As for the surgery being preformed here in Kingston, the talk is possible in 2 years time.
Kingston Ontario WLS Support group if you are interested in reading more about my Kingston Bariatric RATC experience.
referral: 03/03/12 ~~ info session: 04/11/12~~Appoint w NP: 04/25/12 ~~ Blood Work: 04/26/12 ~~ Appoint w Dietitain: 04/30/12~~ Appoint w Social Worker: 05/01/12 ~~ Abominal Ultrasound: ????~~Sleep Test ??? ~~ Dr D Hong: ???
Sleep Test:

Thanks Muriel
Here is an update on my revision process
May 24, I have a one on one appointment with a Dietitian in my Doctors health center.
I am also waiting to see a physiologist in June at the same center.
Really ticks me off that these services are a part of the Health Clinic at my Doctors office and my Dr knows I have been asking and looking for help for the last 2 years and he never mentioned anything about these to me... When I go for my next B12 shot, I'm going to ask him why he never offered me these services when he has know for years how I have been struggling.
June 4, back to Kingston Bariatric RATC to see RD, Melody and SW, Don.
June 19, appointment for my Abdominal Ultra sound
Waiting for an appointment for a Gastroscopy
Waiting for a Sleep Study appointment
NP spoke to Dr Hong and once all tests are done he will take a look at everything and then decide if he will do the revision or not. He only does 3-4 revisions per year.
If Dr Hong refuses then my paper work can be sent to Quebec to Dr Gagner, the paper work can take forever because it is out of province.
Either way, I think I am in for a very long wait for my revision, but in the mean time I will continue to do what I can to prepare myself and continue working to getting these pounds off.