13 Years Ago
Super Bowl Sunday - This I find is one celebration that's good for us! chili with beans and lots of little finger foods.
Of course I make stuff good for us and use alot of refried beans, chop meat...
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13 Years Ago
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13 Years Ago
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13 Years Ago
Octobers mtg is on BLOODWORK... - Hello Everyone,
The second Tuesday, at the hospital on the 9th floor at 6pm we will be talking about our bloodwork and what it means. SO DON'T FORGET TO BRING IN YOUR LAB RESUL...
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13 Years Ago
Tomorrow nights mtg on vitamins... - Tomorrow night we'll be talking about vitamins and how important they are.
Be at the hospital at 6pm for the alumni group!
See ya there,
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14 Years Ago
Hurricane Irene, Are you okay? - We made it through, lost power right away and finally got our power back on today, Tuesday in the afternoon. But the house is intact all we lost was everything in our fridge and s...
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14 Years Ago
Sunday, finally a beautiful day - Hello Everyone,
Finally a decent day to go outside and do a little walking! This coming week I hope to be outside as much as possible.
How about you, what are your plans?
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14 Years Ago
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14 Years Ago
A Speaker at our next meeting! - Hello Everyone,
Deborah has gotten a speaker for our next meeting! Tuesday, April 12th at 6pm at the Hospital on the 9th floor, unless you see a sign by the elevator for the 8th ...
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14 Years Ago
Did everyone receive the new schedule for 2011? - Hello Everyone,
Deborah sent out the new schedule for 2011. She added a survey and a question about which day we would like for our Alumni group (post ops).
Monday 7pm or ...