Recent Posts
Topic: Super Bowl Sunday
This I find is one celebration that's good for us! chili with beans and lots of little finger foods.
Of course I make stuff good for us and use alot of refried beans, chop meat, cheese, nuts, and then the half time special chili.
yeah for super bowl.
Dont forget the next alumni meeting at the hospital is on Tuesday, Feb 14th. hmmm Call Deborah to make sure it's still on.
I'll be in Florida wishing everyone well.
hugs, Deb
Of course I make stuff good for us and use alot of refried beans, chop meat, cheese, nuts, and then the half time special chili.
yeah for super bowl.
Dont forget the next alumni meeting at the hospital is on Tuesday, Feb 14th. hmmm Call Deborah to make sure it's still on.
I'll be in Florida wishing everyone well.
hugs, Deb
Topic: Octobers mtg is on BLOODWORK...
Hello Everyone,
The second Tuesday, at the hospital on the 9th floor at 6pm we will be talking about our bloodwork and what it means. SO DON'T FORGET TO BRING IN YOUR LAB RESULTS!!!
See YOU then and I hope You signed up for the OH COnference that's right here in NY...
Remember use RuggieroNY11
See you all then!
The second Tuesday, at the hospital on the 9th floor at 6pm we will be talking about our bloodwork and what it means. SO DON'T FORGET TO BRING IN YOUR LAB RESULTS!!!
See YOU then and I hope You signed up for the OH COnference that's right here in NY...
Remember use RuggieroNY11
See you all then!
Topic: Tomorrow nights mtg on vitamins...
Tomorrow night we'll be talking about vitamins and how important they are.
Be at the hospital at 6pm for the alumni group!
See ya there,
Be at the hospital at 6pm for the alumni group!
See ya there,
Topic: Hurricane Irene, Are you okay?
We made it through, lost power right away and finally got our power back on today, Tuesday in the afternoon. But the house is intact all we lost was everything in our fridge and separate freezer downstairs.
Topic: Sunday, finally a beautiful day
Hello Everyone,
Finally a decent day to go outside and do a little walking! This coming week I hope to be outside as much as possible.
How about you, what are your plans?
Speaking of plans -- don't forget Tuesdays support group meeting at the hospital.
see ya then!
Finally a decent day to go outside and do a little walking! This coming week I hope to be outside as much as possible.
How about you, what are your plans?
Speaking of plans -- don't forget Tuesdays support group meeting at the hospital.
see ya then!
Topic: Did everyone receive the new schedule for 2011?
Hello Everyone,
Deborah sent out the new schedule for 2011. She added a survey and a question about which day we would like for our Alumni group (post ops).
Monday 7pm or 7:30pm
Thursday 7pm or 7:30pm
The survey has topics on there for you to check off what you would like to discuss at our next Alumni meeting.
If you didn't receive it call Deborah.
Soooo, how's everyone doing?
Deborah sent out the new schedule for 2011. She added a survey and a question about which day we would like for our Alumni group (post ops).
Monday 7pm or 7:30pm
Thursday 7pm or 7:30pm
The survey has topics on there for you to check off what you would like to discuss at our next Alumni meeting.
If you didn't receive it call Deborah.
Soooo, how's everyone doing?
Topic: The Wedding is over, now I can get into the swing of things.
Hello Everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, but I was the Matron of Honor for my cousin (should I call her BRIDEZILLA) YES!!! An fortunatley for me it's over now...
As the cold weather keeps getting colder and we put on more and more layers on ~ we have to keep our bodies and minds moving. Trying to keep ours in the positive and away from the negative.
I personally have a hard time as it gets colder, even before RNY. I get S.A.D. Seasonal Affected Disorder. So my plan this year is to try and stay in touch with my friends and get out as much as possible.
As the winter gets close we lose sunlight time, I do use those lightbulbs that make you feel like you're in sunlight and I think it helps a little, but nothing like being the the sunshine.
Tonight I'm going to the LIPO support group at Sayville Library 6:30pm to 9pm, they are a great bunch of people! Come and join us the more the merrier.
If you can go to other support groups you always learn something new. And I always feel better when I leave... Hope to see you there!
Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, but I was the Matron of Honor for my cousin (should I call her BRIDEZILLA) YES!!! An fortunatley for me it's over now...
As the cold weather keeps getting colder and we put on more and more layers on ~ we have to keep our bodies and minds moving. Trying to keep ours in the positive and away from the negative.
I personally have a hard time as it gets colder, even before RNY. I get S.A.D. Seasonal Affected Disorder. So my plan this year is to try and stay in touch with my friends and get out as much as possible.
As the winter gets close we lose sunlight time, I do use those lightbulbs that make you feel like you're in sunlight and I think it helps a little, but nothing like being the the sunshine.
Tonight I'm going to the LIPO support group at Sayville Library 6:30pm to 9pm, they are a great bunch of people! Come and join us the more the merrier.
If you can go to other support groups you always learn something new. And I always feel better when I leave... Hope to see you there!
Topic: Soda 101 from
Soda 101 For Freaks (this site calls us "Freaks" because we had our insides altered. Let me start off by saying: I'm not a Doctor or Nut these are my opinions based on my research etc, blah blah......... Cliff notes version: Drinking carbonated beverages of any kind can sabotage your weight loss and cause you possible severe health problems as a surgically altered Freak such as osteoporosis. Long boring version: Carbonated drinks include most soft drinks, champagne, beer, and seltzer water. If you consume a soft drink or other carbonated beverage while eating, the carbonation forces food through the pouch, reducing the time food remains in the pouch. The less time food remains in your pouch, the less satiety you experience, enabling you to eat more with increased risk for weight gain. The gas released from a carbonated beverage may "stretch" your pouch over time. Food forced through the pouch by the carbonation could also significantly enlarge the size of your stoma (the opening between the pouch and intestines). An enlarged pouch or stoma would allow you to eat larger amounts of food at any one setting. In this way, consuming carbonated beverages, even if the drinks are diet or calorie free, may cause weight gain or interfere with your weight loss success. Weight Gain: Soft drinks also cause weight gain by reducing the absorption of dietary calcium. Dietary calcium helps to stimulate fat breakdown and reduce its uptake into adipose tissue. Epidemiological and clinical studies have found a close association between obesity and low dietary calcium intake. Recent studies have found that maintaining sufficient amounts of dietary calcium helps to induce weight loss or prevent weight gain following diet. The high caffeine in carbonated sodas is one way that drinking carbonated soft drinks may reduce the absorption of calcium into the body. Studies have found that caffeine increases urinary calcium content, meaning that high caffeine may interfere with the uptake of dietary calcium into the body. Keep in mind that one 12 oz. can of Mountain Dew has 50 mg of caffeine, and Pepsi and Coke (diet or those with sugar) contain 37 mg of caffeine each. Colas, such as Pepsi and Coke (diet or with sugar), may also cause calcium deficiencies from the high amounts of phosphoric acid that they contain. Phosphate binds to calcium and the bound calcium cannot be absorbed into the body. Both animal and human studies have found that phosphoric acid is associated with altered calcium homeostasis and low calcium. Carbonated beverages, then, may reduce dietary calcium because of their high caffeine or phosphoric acid content or because drinking such beverages tends to reduce the consumption of calcium-containing foods and beverages. Such deficiencies in dietary calcium intake may be even more pronounced in Freaks. Calcium deficiencies with Bariatric surgery are well documented due to malabsorbtion because we bypass of the portion of the gut where active absorption of calcium normally occurs. Drinking carbonated beverages may further increase the risk for dietary calcium deficiencies and, in this way, hinder maximal weight loss success. For all the reasons described above, including calcium deficits, reduced satiety, enlargement of pouch or stoma, drinking carbonated beverages, even those that are sugar-free, could lead to weight gain. Dump City Arizona: Carbonated beverages that contain sugar, however, pose a substantially greater threat to the Bariatric patient in terms of weight loss and weight loss maintenance with surgery. Sugar-containing soft drinks have a relatively high glycemic index, meaning that blood sugar levels readily increase with their consumption. The rapid rise in blood sugar, in turn, increases the production of the hormone, insulin. , that acts to drive sugar into tissues where it is metabolized or processed for storage. High insulin levels, however, also contribute to fat accumulation, driving fat into the fat storage depots and inhibiting the breakdown of fat. Soft drinks with sugar are also high in calories. An average 12 oz. soft drink contains 10 teaspoons of refined sugar (40g). The typical 12-oz. can of soda contains 150 calories (Coke = 140 calories; Pepsi = 150; Dr. Pepper = 160; orange soda = 180; 7-up = 140; etc.). Soft drinks are the fifth largest source of calories for adults, accounting for 5.6% of all calories that Americans consume. Among adolescents, soft drinks provide 8%- to 9% of calories. An extra 150 calories per day from a soft drink over the course of a year, is equivalent to nearly 16 pounds and that weight gain multiplied by a few years could equate to “morbid obesity". Health Problems From Soda: In addition to the adverse effects that carbonated drinks have on weight loss or weight loss maintenance, carbonated beverages may also have adverse effects on health. Soda beverages and other carbonated drinks are acidic with a pH of 3.0 or less. Drinking these acidic beverages on an empty stomach in the absence of food, as Bariatric patients are required to do, can upset the fragile acid-alkaline balance of the gastric pouch and intestines and increase the risk for ulcers or even the risk for gastrointestinal adenomas (cancer). In an attempt to keep your body’s blood pH from becoming too acidic, it uses its stored supplies of iodine to neutralize that acid. This iodine is no longer able to be used by your thyroid which in turn slows down your metabolism and thus causes you to put on extra weight. Soft drink usage has also been found to be associated with various other health problems. These include an increased risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney stones, bone fractures and reduced bone density/osteoporosis, allergies, cancer, acid-peptic disease, dental carries, gingivitis, and more. Soft drinks may, in addition, increase the risk for oxidative stress. This condition is believed to contribute significantly to aging and to diseases associated with aging and obesity, i.e. diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, reduced immune function, hypertension, and more. Although it’s tough to quit soda, there are good reasons why weight loss surgery and soft drinks don’t mix. The first is related to your new, smaller stomach size. For example, if you’ve had Lap-Band® surgery, the inflation of your stomach pouch caused by drinking even a sip of carbonated beverage can cause your pouch to strain uncomfortably against the band. Gastric bypass patients and sleeve gastrectomy also report feeling uncomfortable from the gas produced by even a mouthful of soda. In short: The gas in the drink comes out and expands your stomach like a balloon. Your new pouch can be stretched out over time if you drink carbonated beverages after your surgery. I was talking with a WLS surgeon about soda's and he told me the following: "Many patients find it hard to give them up, however. I had one lovely lady who underwent the RNY and quickly lost weight, but then she stopped losing for a while. She came back to see me, after having stretched her pouch to over 20 ounces, and wanted a revision. She admitted to drinking about 40 ounces of Coke® a day. I told her once she stopped drinking the cola we would reverse the surgery for her. She never returned........." Body Chemistry - Very informative video: yzZI Hope you managed to stay awake! Ian |
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Topic: Hello Everyone
Hello Everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted recently, been in another world. :d
Since my shoulder surgery and then with the Physical Therapy, needless to say I've not been on the computer much.
Last night we had a small alumni group and we were discussing some foods we have trouble with. Top of the list were beef and chicken. Which really isn't a surprise, but it's nice knowing that you are not the only one feeling this way.
I did share one of my favorite treats so far this summer, which is RICOTTA.... I've taken my ricotta and mixed it with a blender till nice and smooth. Then I add PROTEIN powder, at least 2 or more scoops. The smallest amount I do at a time is about 2 to 3 cups of ricotta and the protein powders ~ I use is at least 2 scoops. The latest one was Syntrax, Nectar, Fuzzy Navel... OMG it almost reminded me of a creamsicle. Some of it I put in the refridgerator and about a cup I put in the freezer to eat like an ice... I've also used Lean Dessert Chocolate Coconut Candy protein powder and added chopped walnuts and froze that as well... Yummy... Love all my different flavor protein powders to use and experiment with.
Try some.
Be well everyone, and if you want to share a nice WLS friendly treat that you make please post so we all can try something new.
Enjoy the warm weather. See you in August!
Sorry I haven't posted recently, been in another world. :d
Since my shoulder surgery and then with the Physical Therapy, needless to say I've not been on the computer much.
Last night we had a small alumni group and we were discussing some foods we have trouble with. Top of the list were beef and chicken. Which really isn't a surprise, but it's nice knowing that you are not the only one feeling this way.
I did share one of my favorite treats so far this summer, which is RICOTTA.... I've taken my ricotta and mixed it with a blender till nice and smooth. Then I add PROTEIN powder, at least 2 or more scoops. The smallest amount I do at a time is about 2 to 3 cups of ricotta and the protein powders ~ I use is at least 2 scoops. The latest one was Syntrax, Nectar, Fuzzy Navel... OMG it almost reminded me of a creamsicle. Some of it I put in the refridgerator and about a cup I put in the freezer to eat like an ice... I've also used Lean Dessert Chocolate Coconut Candy protein powder and added chopped walnuts and froze that as well... Yummy... Love all my different flavor protein powders to use and experiment with.
Try some.
Be well everyone, and if you want to share a nice WLS friendly treat that you make please post so we all can try something new.
Enjoy the warm weather. See you in August!
Topic: Stolen from Sharon MIchaels!
Personal Development
Donkey In The Well Story
Here's a favorite motivational story. It's been around the Internet for awhile and I don't know the author. There's a good message here . . .
One day a farmer´s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn´t worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone´s amazement, he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer´s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off.
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well, is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step upward!

Maryellen
To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here:
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at

To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here:
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at