Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!
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Topic: Birth Control
This is a topic I have questions about.
I have/had PCOS (I don't know how long it takes to go away after WLS) and was irregular since age 16. I went on the pill at age 18 in 1992 and stayed on it until my husband and I decided to start to try to conceive two years after we married at age 27 in 2002. I never got pregnant after stopping the pill, despite multiple fertility treatments, drugs, procedures, etc. between 2002-2007. I have never taken birth control since stopping the pill back in 2002. Over the past few years, I have lost about 60 pounds and my cycles have become very regular- I was hoping my fertility would increase but it didn't-I haven't used birth control since 2002 and never gotten pregnant! Well, my surgeon recommended getting on birth control before my surgery b/c people frequently have a sudden increase in their fertility after WLS and pregnancy is not recommended during the first year post-op. It felt weird even having to think about birth control.
I decided to go with the Implanon. It’s a flexible rod-shaped contraceptive, about the size of a matchstick, that was placed under the skin of my upper arm by my ob/gyn. It last 3 years but can be taken out sooner. It is placed during the first few days of a cycle. I had my placed on Sept. 1st and since then have had only 4 days where I have NOT had any bleeding or spotting. It is driving me crazy! I had to deal with it pre-op, in the hsopital during my surgery and ever since. My ob/gyn told me irregular bleeding is normal in the beginning, but I didn't think I would have to deal with it this much. It is supposed to get better but it doesn't always-I was anemic pre-op and on high potency iron, and am now on iron as a pre-op too
So my question is, what birth control are you guys going to use (if it is applicable) during your first year as a post-op or even longer? I was told the pill may not be absorbed as well, so therefore, not as effective, and forget Depo-Provera- too many side effects (to me) that include weight gain. The Mirena (IUD) is another good one that lasts 5 years but isn't really recommended as much for women who have never had children. I would be fine sticking with condoms, but I am wondering if that is just too risky? I don't want a pregnancy too early after surgery to cause me complications or put risk to my unborn child due to the potential for vitamin deficiencies right after WLS.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Thx!
I have/had PCOS (I don't know how long it takes to go away after WLS) and was irregular since age 16. I went on the pill at age 18 in 1992 and stayed on it until my husband and I decided to start to try to conceive two years after we married at age 27 in 2002. I never got pregnant after stopping the pill, despite multiple fertility treatments, drugs, procedures, etc. between 2002-2007. I have never taken birth control since stopping the pill back in 2002. Over the past few years, I have lost about 60 pounds and my cycles have become very regular- I was hoping my fertility would increase but it didn't-I haven't used birth control since 2002 and never gotten pregnant! Well, my surgeon recommended getting on birth control before my surgery b/c people frequently have a sudden increase in their fertility after WLS and pregnancy is not recommended during the first year post-op. It felt weird even having to think about birth control.
I decided to go with the Implanon. It’s a flexible rod-shaped contraceptive, about the size of a matchstick, that was placed under the skin of my upper arm by my ob/gyn. It last 3 years but can be taken out sooner. It is placed during the first few days of a cycle. I had my placed on Sept. 1st and since then have had only 4 days where I have NOT had any bleeding or spotting. It is driving me crazy! I had to deal with it pre-op, in the hsopital during my surgery and ever since. My ob/gyn told me irregular bleeding is normal in the beginning, but I didn't think I would have to deal with it this much. It is supposed to get better but it doesn't always-I was anemic pre-op and on high potency iron, and am now on iron as a pre-op too
So my question is, what birth control are you guys going to use (if it is applicable) during your first year as a post-op or even longer? I was told the pill may not be absorbed as well, so therefore, not as effective, and forget Depo-Provera- too many side effects (to me) that include weight gain. The Mirena (IUD) is another good one that lasts 5 years but isn't really recommended as much for women who have never had children. I would be fine sticking with condoms, but I am wondering if that is just too risky? I don't want a pregnancy too early after surgery to cause me complications or put risk to my unborn child due to the potential for vitamin deficiencies right after WLS.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Thx!
Topic: Clothes
Well, it has officially happened. A good amount of my clothes are too big (bottoms like pants, shorts and skirts especially-shirts I can wear still even though they are big) and I only had my surgery 3 weeks ago today!
Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that they are too big but I have nothing to wear and I really don't want to buy anything that is only going to fit me for 3 weeks. I guess it is hard b/c I am a major clothes horse and I love to shop!
I went to the Goodwill store on Monday and bought 4 pairs of pants-they don't fit quite yet, but will very soon. Sometimes you can find some really good brands there-J Crew, Ann Taylor, Gap, Talbots, Loft,-brands I have always wanted to wear but never fit into. I was wearing a size 18 or 20 women's before surgery. I bought three size 16's and one size 18-misses sizes, not women's!
The support group I go to has clothing exchanges every once in a while so I will bring my stuff there next time they have one and whatever is left will go to charity. I plan on going through my closet this afternoon...
Thought I would give you all a post of what you can look forward too in the near furture :)
Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that they are too big but I have nothing to wear and I really don't want to buy anything that is only going to fit me for 3 weeks. I guess it is hard b/c I am a major clothes horse and I love to shop!
I went to the Goodwill store on Monday and bought 4 pairs of pants-they don't fit quite yet, but will very soon. Sometimes you can find some really good brands there-J Crew, Ann Taylor, Gap, Talbots, Loft,-brands I have always wanted to wear but never fit into. I was wearing a size 18 or 20 women's before surgery. I bought three size 16's and one size 18-misses sizes, not women's!
The support group I go to has clothing exchanges every once in a while so I will bring my stuff there next time they have one and whatever is left will go to charity. I plan on going through my closet this afternoon...
Thought I would give you all a post of what you can look forward too in the near furture :)
Topic: RE: Is it just me or....
I haven't really noticed it, but I was so gassy and full feeling in the very early stages, it was hard to even get down water. I can watch cooking shows and I am okay-I really haven't had any cravings-weird, I know. When I watch a cooking show, I think about how I could make the dish healthier and boost its protein content.
I have an idea, every time you see a food commercial, take a drink of water :)
I have an idea, every time you see a food commercial, take a drink of water :)
Topic: RE: Medic Alert Bracelet
Thanks for this post! I needed the reminder to get one.
I would probably put on my bracelet my surgery type and date "RNY Gastric Bypass 9/2011" and list my medication/food allergies if they fit. Make sure if you have bypass to list NSAIDs as an allergy-you cannot take them after surgery ever again b/c of the high risk of ulcers.
If you have any long term medical problems, I would include them. Things like bleeding disorders, seizure disorders, if you take blood thinners, if you have had a transplant, any implantable medical devices, etc.
I think I am going to order mine from this site: http://www.laurenshope.com/ they have so cute and feminine designs.
Hope this helps!
I would probably put on my bracelet my surgery type and date "RNY Gastric Bypass 9/2011" and list my medication/food allergies if they fit. Make sure if you have bypass to list NSAIDs as an allergy-you cannot take them after surgery ever again b/c of the high risk of ulcers.
If you have any long term medical problems, I would include them. Things like bleeding disorders, seizure disorders, if you take blood thinners, if you have had a transplant, any implantable medical devices, etc.
I think I am going to order mine from this site: http://www.laurenshope.com/ they have so cute and feminine designs.
Hope this helps!
Topic: RE: RNY 10/24
Hey lady :)
lol At least they tried. lol Mine decided that he will do it with me while he is home but he will still eat lunch at work. Which is fine b/c he is skinny and has a high metabolism. So that first day he got a really bad headache. I'm just really happy he is being supportive.
lol At least they tried. lol Mine decided that he will do it with me while he is home but he will still eat lunch at work. Which is fine b/c he is skinny and has a high metabolism. So that first day he got a really bad headache. I'm just really happy he is being supportive.

Topic: RE: RNY 10/24
HA I know what you mean about not wanting to buy new "big clothes". I have needed new jeans for about 2 months now. lol I only have 1 pair that don't have holes in them lol. I was thinking the other day what am I going to keep to try on in a year. :)
Topic: Medic Alert Bracelet
Just curious about everyones choices about a medic alert bracelet. I didn't even know they were needed but apparently after wls it is strongly recommended. So my question is, what info needs to be on it and where have you found yours at?
Just curious about everyones choices about a medic alert bracelet. I didn't even know they were needed but apparently after wls it is strongly recommended. So my question is, what info needs to be on it and where have you found yours at?
Topic: RE: Overcoming My Fears
Yes, I am playing on bringing a smaller water bottle and a smaller Protien mixer cup with me,( the ones you can get at GNC or Bed Bath and beyond) and put that in my carry on. I also plan of taking example of the Nectar samples with me, I bought more Protien Supplements from the company I get it from..
Topic: RE: Nerves Nerves Nerves
Hi, good morning.
Yes, I am nervous, scared and Happy. I have had many surgeries. I know my number # 1, supporter won't be here to help me after surgery. You might ask the 5 W's. Well that would be my Mother, she passed away in May 25, 2004. I know she will be with me, its just different with her not actually being there. I know its hard to explain, she has been there more many things. I know she is going to have her angels around. I am going to take a relaxation CD with me, so I am calm and have people in my community pray for me during the time.

These are happy tears, I mean the ones that you are excited and laughing about. I know its tough for me now. I know my anxiety is going up....
Yes, I am nervous, scared and Happy. I have had many surgeries. I know my number # 1, supporter won't be here to help me after surgery. You might ask the 5 W's. Well that would be my Mother, she passed away in May 25, 2004. I know she will be with me, its just different with her not actually being there. I know its hard to explain, she has been there more many things. I know she is going to have her angels around. I am going to take a relaxation CD with me, so I am calm and have people in my community pray for me during the time.