Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!
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Dear Diary,
Week 5 -ish.... why am I craving grapes?
Does anyone even know if we can eat them?
Day 1 of all our pre- surgery diets sucked.. the first week is the hardest. While I did not have to do milk... I had to do Optifast - a protein shake....
There are a couple of people who have done the milk diet..and they might be able to comment further..
The first week your body is basically cleansing itself of the carbs and sugars... it is the hardest week... but.. the good news is.. after the first couple of days... it gets easier..
Have your milk at your meal times.. it at least puts your body on its "eating" schedule.. drink lots of water... ( you are allowed water?)... keep busy... (that is the key)..
right now it is basically mind over matter....you will probably get some headaches..too.. (lol sorry) and yep.. your head is trying to get in line with your body... (mentally speaking - if that makes sense)...
BUT the GOOD NEWS is... it does get easier... and.. the other good news is.... we have all kinds of people on this forum.. that are experiencing or have experienced the same thing you are going through.. (and very recently I might add)...
1.) I started eating very soft solid foods at the end of week one. I was so tired of drink fluids with no substance. (after surgery I no longer liked my protein drinks).
2.) I like my sugar now more than I did before surgery. So I allow myself 2 tablespoons of ice cream every once in a while (meaning about ounces every two days).

Hello everyone, my name is Cheyara and I am in love with ice cream. I have had this problem all of my life. LOL.

I'm not sure if my head is getting in the way and my body is reacting to my brain or if my body is going through serious withdrawl and it's effecting my brain. Damn, it's probably both.
Looking for support,
I have to say that I still find eating to be a chore and not much of an enjoyment anymore. It makes me sad kinda. I'll see a recipe or think of something good to make and then realize it's not worth all of the effort for just a few bites and I also don't want to be stuck eating the same food for a week. I am sure it will eventually change when we can eat a little more in quantity and even more variety.
I am quite tired myself as well, I do my workouts at the gym but other than that, I am pretty tired and feel lazy. I was anemic before my surgery and my doctor is checking my iron levels and blood count next week, which I am very interested in seeing the results. I take iron 3-4 times a week b/c when I take it daily, it makes me so constipated! I find myself craving a lot of spinach and nuts, and for the last few days, I have been craving a pork chop-which I will be trying for the first time tonight-hopefully I won't be disappointed by it....
Hang in there, I am glad we are all able to discuss all of the new feelings and experiences we are having.