Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!
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BUT... cake on the other hand.... YUM.. (visual: vanilla cake with chocolate icing.. with a very large glass of ice cold milk)... FOOD porn....

Everything in moderation... (or so I am told)....lol..
Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!
congrats!! it is those little things that add up.
i went shopping in my shed.......lol my sister lost alot of weight and gave me bins of great clothes. i have not bought any clothes since i started losing weight before surgery, so as a pick me up i delved in and was able to go down 2 sizes in shirts and 5 sizes in pants.
now if my post surgery weight would come off!
Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!
buy some sugar free coffee syrups at cash and carry, they will save your life. there were a few times i needed something that wasnt sweet and drank broth but it is a slippery slope and can make you crave other things. honestly i gave myself a break at 2 weeks and ate some pizza. lol then i felt like i could keep going,
if it makes you shaky or headaches etc ask the dr if you can add protein powder for a weak protein shake. it made a big difference for me! i stalled and stopped losing and then started with "shakes" and lost 18 in 2 weeks.
drink a larger amount at one time like a meal instead of sipping all day, it will trigger a full feeling in your stomach instead of never feeling satisfied.
it also gave kellie and i bathroom troubles!
Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!
i had a conversation with my husband today about a similar thing. i have stalled and only lost 10 since surgery actually lost and gained and lost. It is driving me nuts. i also switched ot purees and it is stressing me out a little to figure out what to eat and spend all day drinking etc.
i have been super depressed about not losing more and the last 2 days have been torture. i told my husband that no matter who you are, there is some enjoyment in food. i am in a place where there is nothing enjoyable about eating. also i have not lost significant weight since surgery so i cant enjoy that while i eat crappy food. i am not enjoying anything right now. major pity party today.
i am having less than 600 calories with shakes all water etc etc, my dr actuallly said i was too good of a patient and getting too much protein, so to back off that and i should drop more.
cant win! lol
Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!
I've been told it's mind over matter a lot lately and I'm starting to really believe that :) I need to keep my chin up and not worrying about failing so much as concentrate on succeeding. Yes, I can have water. I'm allowed: decaf coffee/tea with no cream, crystal light, vitamin water/sobe zero, water, milk and that about covers it. I'm surprised at how challenging this is, but none-the-less I have to keep going.
Thanks for the advice and for posting!
I am craving:
nuts- almonds, pistachios, peanuts, peanut butter, etc...
spinach- cooked, not raw
makes me wonder about nutritional deficiencies....I hope not. Iam getting my iron levels checked this week though so we'll see.
BUT... cake on the other hand.... YUM.. (visual: vanilla cake with chocolate icing.. with a very large glass of ice cold milk)... FOOD porn....

Everything in moderation... (or so I am told)....lol..