Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!
Carafate for Ulcer?
Booo hoooo. So sad. Apparently I have an ulcer. I will be 7 weeks out on Friday. I have had a lot of trouble with liquids and food. Saw my surgeon on Monday and he is saying I could have a stricture as well as an ulcer. So, while I wait for approval to have an endoscopy I get to take this medicine to help calm my screaming tummy.
DISGUSTING! It's like the final Insult! I have had to swallow things that I never thought I could.. Things that have made me GAG. My meds are ground into dust and lovingly sprinkled across whatever substance can take them in ... and I do it!! I am now to a place where I'm not sure I can stand another thing to swallow. To make it more complicated this medicine has to be taken 1 hour before I eat, but 2 hours after I eat (hmmm thats gonna work well!) Also, I have to wait at least an hour after I take Iron. SOOOOO when exactly can I take this crap?? OHHH and take it 4 times a day.
Incase you are wondering, I am worn out.. feel like dog dooo and now am frustrated beyond belief. Any advice out there to help a girl out??
Incase you are wondering, I am worn out.. feel like dog dooo and now am frustrated beyond belief. Any advice out there to help a girl out??
Yeah that's no fun. I've been taking this dissolvable medicine, not prevacid (sp) but something like it to prevent ulcers. Apparently it's more common to get ulcers with any stomach surgery. They told me I'm going to have to take it forever (not necessarily the dissolvable kind) but I don't like taking medicine in general. But I guess it's better than getting an ulcer.
Have you been taking any preventative ulcer meds?
Hang in there. I pray you have a quick recovery and that you're able to swallow things without Gagging. And I pray you get some additional needed energy. :-)
Have you been taking any preventative ulcer meds?
Hang in there. I pray you have a quick recovery and that you're able to swallow things without Gagging. And I pray you get some additional needed energy. :-)
I totally understand! Got my carafate filled last Friday, but I only have to take it twice a day. My surgeon thinks I have gastritis or an ulcer and I was even taking a proton pump inhibitor (ulcer medication)every a.m. and Pepcid every p.m. since surgery on 9/21/11. I have been missing one evening dose of vitamins but right now the carafate is more important in the short term than the vitamins.
Hang in there, it has to get better-right? ;)
Hang in there, it has to get better-right? ;)
i am sending you a hug!!!
i can understand your frustration!! sometimes i gag my way through the day too, i was evry overwhelmed by the before and after and with and wityhout restrictions on everything. i just had to write it down and make a schedule for eating etc and follow it. put the carafate on there frist and work the food around it etc. maybe getting it on paper will help you feel less stressed.
i have a med i take 2x a day that tastes like death and gives me horrible nausea for abotu 45 min where i have to lay down and breathe.
insult to injury indeed!!!
i hope you are feeling better soon!!
i can understand your frustration!! sometimes i gag my way through the day too, i was evry overwhelmed by the before and after and with and wityhout restrictions on everything. i just had to write it down and make a schedule for eating etc and follow it. put the carafate on there frist and work the food around it etc. maybe getting it on paper will help you feel less stressed.
i have a med i take 2x a day that tastes like death and gives me horrible nausea for abotu 45 min where i have to lay down and breathe.
insult to injury indeed!!!
i hope you are feeling better soon!!
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Man.. I am really fed up with this..I have never been very good at talking about how I'm feeling lol Which might explain my weight issues!! But I feel like I have become the worlds biggest crybaby. All I do is ***** and whine about my gut.. I would LOVE to change the channel but apparently I am the only show on right now.
On Friday I found out that my surgeons M/A dropped the ball and never properly requested my EGD.. So, now I'm stuck waiting for my Primary to make the request and then my insurance to approve... Thank God I have good insurance but, dammit.. I can barely eat yogurt now.. I am sure this can't be good for me.. Water is a lesson in pain and food.. I wish. I don't ever feel hungry which I guess is a blessing.
I was watching my family on Christmas eating dinner together and I started laughing, I never really paid attention to what we do to food when there aren't any restrictions.. might as well skip the forks and put out little shovels! Those dirty birds just PLOWED through dinner.
On the upside I had set a goal of 50lbs lost as my Christmas present to myself and I made the goal! So yay me!
On Friday I found out that my surgeons M/A dropped the ball and never properly requested my EGD.. So, now I'm stuck waiting for my Primary to make the request and then my insurance to approve... Thank God I have good insurance but, dammit.. I can barely eat yogurt now.. I am sure this can't be good for me.. Water is a lesson in pain and food.. I wish. I don't ever feel hungry which I guess is a blessing.
I was watching my family on Christmas eating dinner together and I started laughing, I never really paid attention to what we do to food when there aren't any restrictions.. might as well skip the forks and put out little shovels! Those dirty birds just PLOWED through dinner.
On the upside I had set a goal of 50lbs lost as my Christmas present to myself and I made the goal! So yay me!
Alright kid's, new status update. This morning I finally had my endoscopy. They found 1,2,3, 4 ulcers inside. One of the ulcers is 2 cm long... my entire pouch is only 5 cm. Needless to say this is not the news I was hoping for. Still on the Carafate and now taking Nexium x2 a day.
Tuesday night i was in the ER .. dehydration. Felt a lot better after 2 bags of fluid.
So, heres my question...
What in the world am I supposed to eat? The nurse today say's i'm supposed to avoid dairy. Ok, then what exactly does one eat with 4 ulcers? Cause I'm pretty sure I need to eat something... at this stage anything. Any suggestions?
Tuesday night i was in the ER .. dehydration. Felt a lot better after 2 bags of fluid.
So, heres my question...
What in the world am I supposed to eat? The nurse today say's i'm supposed to avoid dairy. Ok, then what exactly does one eat with 4 ulcers? Cause I'm pretty sure I need to eat something... at this stage anything. Any suggestions?