Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!
Food Cravings for the 'last meals'
Hi all,
New to this group and just wanted to say hi. Really starting to prep mentally and physically for my VSG surgery on 12/21. I'm wondering if anyone else went through what I am where I'm feeling like I need to go to all of my favorite places to eat for my 'last meals' before surgery? I know that one day I may go to these places again but am having a psychological cravings for all these different places just in case I NEVER get to go back again.
I'm also getting worried about making my kids (ages 6, 4, 18 months) food and how I am going to deal with that after surgery. Plus, I travel for work usually once a month (I'm a corporate event planner) and just wondering how I'm going to manage the social drinking/eating thing with my new stomach. I hope that I can do it and still be cool about it all.
I'm nervous and excited about my new life post surgery. Happy to be here and on the path to wellness! :)
New to this group and just wanted to say hi. Really starting to prep mentally and physically for my VSG surgery on 12/21. I'm wondering if anyone else went through what I am where I'm feeling like I need to go to all of my favorite places to eat for my 'last meals' before surgery? I know that one day I may go to these places again but am having a psychological cravings for all these different places just in case I NEVER get to go back again.
I'm also getting worried about making my kids (ages 6, 4, 18 months) food and how I am going to deal with that after surgery. Plus, I travel for work usually once a month (I'm a corporate event planner) and just wondering how I'm going to manage the social drinking/eating thing with my new stomach. I hope that I can do it and still be cool about it all.
I'm nervous and excited about my new life post surgery. Happy to be here and on the path to wellness! :)
Hey Michelle! Of COURSE! I ate and ate and ate-gained 10 pounds instead of losing like my surgeon told me to.
Don't worry about feeding your kids-for the first few weeks you won't care about food at all. I am back to cooking now, and all I can eat is all I can eat. It is a big adjustment-but I am getting more used to it each day. The pouch does extend a little, too. At first all I could eat was a few bites-now I am up to almost a half of a small bowl.
The biggest problem I have encountered is not chewing my food good enough-trying to eat too fast. I threw up a few times from doing that. I could not stress enough to take small bites and chew thoroughly. It was hard for me to do at first. It seemed too hard to chew. I was used to taking big bites of food-and swallowing big chunks.
I thnk you will probably find yourself back at your favorite places-I am not sure about drinking alcohol, can you opt for a virgin drink? At least initially?
Best wishes for you in this process!
Don't worry about feeding your kids-for the first few weeks you won't care about food at all. I am back to cooking now, and all I can eat is all I can eat. It is a big adjustment-but I am getting more used to it each day. The pouch does extend a little, too. At first all I could eat was a few bites-now I am up to almost a half of a small bowl.
The biggest problem I have encountered is not chewing my food good enough-trying to eat too fast. I threw up a few times from doing that. I could not stress enough to take small bites and chew thoroughly. It was hard for me to do at first. It seemed too hard to chew. I was used to taking big bites of food-and swallowing big chunks.
I thnk you will probably find yourself back at your favorite places-I am not sure about drinking alcohol, can you opt for a virgin drink? At least initially?
Best wishes for you in this process!

Thats a funny question ... I had all kinds of plans for my last meal..
I would spend an hour trying to weigh one choice against another.. then my surgeon called and moved my date up by TWO WEEKS!! I had 6 days left of freedom.. I never got my final meal. I was too worried about my liver to risk eating something wonderful that close to my surgery.
I am now 3 weeks post surgery. I had RNY so I can't claim very much knowledge about your sleeve restrictions but.. I have heard of peeps that carry food with them for social occassions. Or eat prior to arriving.

I am now 3 weeks post surgery. I had RNY so I can't claim very much knowledge about your sleeve restrictions but.. I have heard of peeps that carry food with them for social occassions. Or eat prior to arriving.
I did not really have a last meal.. but I did have steak and salad... I tried to prepare myself mentally... as I was not really saying good bye to foods... just re-learning how to eat in moderation... mind you.. I have not had any cookies cake.. french fries..kfc.. etc etc etc... since my surgery...lol...
I don't think I miss them yet... what I have found.. that I have to prepare a lot more food ahead of time... no quick fixes.. like picking up mcdonalds for my 6 year old and husband..... or bagels and peanut butter for supper.... etc
The preop diet I found was easier compared to now.. and finding the right balance to get all the vits and proper protein levels and liquid levels in..
Some days my pouch (RNY) is great and I can eat normally.. some days not... I read labels a lot more now...
Good luck.. you will do awesome on your path to wellness...
I don't think I miss them yet... what I have found.. that I have to prepare a lot more food ahead of time... no quick fixes.. like picking up mcdonalds for my 6 year old and husband..... or bagels and peanut butter for supper.... etc
The preop diet I found was easier compared to now.. and finding the right balance to get all the vits and proper protein levels and liquid levels in..
Some days my pouch (RNY) is great and I can eat normally.. some days not... I read labels a lot more now...
Good luck.. you will do awesome on your path to wellness...
I had a lot of last meals. Not just ast restraunts but at home, too. Those certain dishes that you really like but know you won't be able to eat for a really long time. I just tried to eat less of whatever I was saying goodbye to. I think it is like mourning, losing a good friend - you have to have your goodbye.
i approached it with balance, i ate healthy and then had one meal that was a favorite each week, or if i had 2 i didnt beat myself up and ate healthy the rest of the time. it helped me to mentally prepare for moderation.
do you have any help with the kids? maybe grandma or a sitter can let them eat dinner for 2 weeks?
my husband took over meals for 6 weeks so i could worry about me. if not, i say go really simple. frozen meals that can be easily divided, small one dish meals and freeze a little for yourself later on. fish sticks never killed anyone in a few weeks. lol
it seems really overwhelming but it will fall into place! lots of people do the food fake out, get a big plate eat a little, no one can tell what you had..lol the food and the decoy food.......
do you have any help with the kids? maybe grandma or a sitter can let them eat dinner for 2 weeks?
my husband took over meals for 6 weeks so i could worry about me. if not, i say go really simple. frozen meals that can be easily divided, small one dish meals and freeze a little for yourself later on. fish sticks never killed anyone in a few weeks. lol
it seems really overwhelming but it will fall into place! lots of people do the food fake out, get a big plate eat a little, no one can tell what you had..lol the food and the decoy food.......
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