Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!


on 11/11/11 3:50 pm, edited 11/11/11 3:51 pm - NV
Well less than 2 weeks out and already 30 pounds down the reality hit me that I would have to go shopping soon.  I have always hated shopping.

So sucked it up and went to the local Clothing Exchange and for the first time in 20 years I had fun! I bought a few things for the future me.  It was amazing to look at a dress and say to myself "soon" rather than "I wish".

Whole new world in less than two weeks... I never expected it so quickly. What a blessing.

Now I just have to find the perfect shoes
on 11/12/11 9:34 am - Canada
Is it not amazing .. that new feeling we have about our selves..  I too am down about 30lbs... and its weird... I just have this more uplifted feeling and hope when I look in the mirror..
AND I LOVE SHOES>......lol...

My gift to myself at 50lbs will be a new purse....  ok.. maybe a new pair of shoes too...lol

Indeed it is a blessing...
on 11/12/11 9:35 am - KY
Super excited for you!!! I am so glad that you had such a great time!!!!  So proud of such a great weight loss 2 weeks after surgery!!!
on 11/12/11 9:44 am - Canada
oh.. I missed that when I was reading the post.....down 30 lbs in two weeks... that is freaking awesome...  lol
on 11/12/11 9:54 pm - Lancaster County, PA
 I was a big shopper pre-op and now I'm not as into it....I think it's because anything I would buy would only fit temporarily so it's just not as fun and seems like a waste of money to me.  The problem is, I need clothes that fit, lol!

I like the idea of a new purse...it least it will always "fit"

Be careful buying shoes, quite a few of mine have gotten too big, something I didn't expect at all.  I have 2 pairs of Coach shoes and several more that are too big now....lucky for my sister-huh?

on 11/12/11 11:45 pm
Congratulations!!! The first time going shopping is the best feeling in the world!!  hehe you sound just like me.  Clothing stores like that are my new best friends. I will buy them for my future sizes then I wear them until I can't fit in them anymore then they take them back and give me some of the profit back. Its a very nice situation!  :)
A girl should be two things classy and fabulous ~ Coco Chanel

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on 11/15/11 6:38 am

congrats!!  it is those little things that add up.

i went shopping in my shed.......lol  my sister lost alot of weight and gave me bins of great clothes.  i have not bought any clothes since i started losing weight before surgery, so as a pick me up i delved in and was able to go down 2 sizes in shirts and 5 sizes in pants.

now if my post surgery weight would come off!

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