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preop full liquid diet

on 10/27/11 3:40 am - Canada
What kind of a diet?
2 weeks Optifast shakes, broth, water, sf jello


What side effects if any? 
First week, headache,  tired - irritable

How much weight loss?

Love it/Hate it? 
Both,   I was never a breakfast eater or lunch for that matter.. I learned to time the shakes at the proper times,  also,  when I had to prepare meals for my family,  it helped having the shake in my other hand..
Food choice was already made for me..

Have you learned anything from it?
 Eat properly.   Breakfast is important for a reason.

Do you recommend it?
Yes,  it teaches you a certain " respect|" for what you are about to enter into with your respective surgery.  

How have you coped?
 Distraction.. mind over matter...  told myself.. this is not the "worse thing in your life"  GET OVER IT...  I can only speak for myself..  but it was almost like a mental preparation for me... my headspace had to be in the same zone as my body..
Lynn Brown
on 10/30/11 1:24 pm
What kind of a diet?
~~~ low fat, low calorie
       3 8 oz. protein drinks
       3 oz. chicken breast, pork loin or fish
       1 piece of whole wheat bread or 1/2 C. whole grain rice or potato
       2 C non-starchy veggies

What side effects if any? 
~~~ a little constipation, gonna up the fiber

How much weight loss? 
~~~ the first time I was on it (long story) I lost 15 pounds in 14 days but I cheated a lot.  I'm only 2 days in this time.

Love it/Hate it? 
~~~ Neither. I do hate that eating makes me fat and love the idea of being skinny someday. Although I can't even picture what I will look like since I've never been skinny :(

 Have you learned anything from it?
~~~ I do a lot of what I call 'drive by eating' - a nibble here, a couple bites there and grab some of that over there.  I think I like the structure of eating more often but not so sure about how little the meals are. I do pay more attention to what I'm eating and think that is a good thing.

Do you recommend it? 
~~~ Yes, I think it is something that could be done for a longer period of time but one would have to be very committed.

 How have you coped?
 ~~~ I try to stay busy, plan meals ahead and stay out of the kitchen. Just being in the kitchen makes me want to eat. Knowing what I'm making ahead of time helps me not think about food when I am 'starving'.