Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!


on 10/12/11 1:28 am - Lancaster County, PA
Well, it has officially happened.  A good amount of my clothes are too big  (bottoms like pants, shorts and skirts especially-shirts I can wear still even though they are big) and I only had my surgery 3 weeks ago today!

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that they are too big but I have nothing to wear and I really don't want to buy anything that is only going to fit me for 3 weeks.  I guess it is hard b/c I am a major clothes horse and I love to shop!

I went to the Goodwill store on Monday and bought 4 pairs of pants-they don't fit quite yet, but will very soon.  Sometimes you can find some really good brands there-J Crew, Ann Taylor, Gap, Talbots, Loft,-brands I have always wanted to wear but never fit into.  I was wearing a size 18 or 20 women's before surgery.  I bought three size 16's and one size 18-misses sizes, not women's!

The support group I go to has clothing exchanges every once in a while so I will bring my stuff there next time they have one and whatever is left will go to charity.  I plan on going through my closet this afternoon...

Thought I would give you all a post of what you can look forward too in the near furture :)
on 10/12/11 8:34 am - OH
Clothes are too big, yeah!!!! Only three weeks in the game, that's awesome for you. Glad to hear from someone a few weeks ahead of me. My surgery was on 10/3, I had RNY. I think I'm doing pretty good, just a mild set back with pleurisy like pain in back when taking deep breath. Surgery wise I feel great, diet is okay, still struggling to get enough protein in, but getting by. I'm sure it will improve over the next couple of weeks. So looking forward to hitting some milestones like first size drop. My sister went through loss of over 100 lbs in the past two years so I have lots of hand me downs to go through. I told myself I will not buy anything until spring, but if I drop as quickly as you just did, I may have to do a little Christmas shopping. Actually that sounds like a blast to me!
on 10/12/11 11:16 pm - Anchorage, AK
Congrats and awesome. I am on my pre-op diet was 286 lbs down to 260 lbs or so, my clothes are getting looser and less snug... my co worker noticed. I have to wear business casual at work. I am just buying my regular size and know when I have a month off they will probably fall of me. I do want to buy new clothes, I just dont want to spend too much. I do love to shop. I might see if it will cost more or less to have clothes tucked in if you would say.
on 10/23/11 12:50 am - Lancaster County, PA
I Donated 10 large black trash bags to Goodwill yesterday-plus a huge stack of hanging clothes!  I practically have nothing left, LOL-oh well, I'll take weight loss over having a bunch of fat clothes!

Can't wait to go home for Christmas and raid my sisters clothes-she has a bunch of stuff saved up for me :)