Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!
Nerves Nerves Nerves
Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to get a quick post in. My surgery is November 8th. I start my Optifast diet on Oct 18th. I'm not nervous about that, I know I can survive that. It's when I over think the surgery that I get nervous. I have never had major surgery before (except for my c-section but your not put under for that). I am nervous about the anesthesia, the catheter, waking up, dying... I am literally nervous about the whole surgery process. I need to meditate, lol.
I just wanted to get a quick post in. My surgery is November 8th. I start my Optifast diet on Oct 18th. I'm not nervous about that, I know I can survive that. It's when I over think the surgery that I get nervous. I have never had major surgery before (except for my c-section but your not put under for that). I am nervous about the anesthesia, the catheter, waking up, dying... I am literally nervous about the whole surgery process. I need to meditate, lol.
Girl if you weren't nervous I'd t hink something was wrong with you
Only a few more weeks - it will be here before you know it. Who knows you may get calmer as the day approaches (I did - was weird) lol
Express your fears to the anthestesologist if you are still nervous right before surgery. He can give you something to help calm you (believe me this comes in helpful if you freak out - and well I've freaked out before surgery in the past - had a dr trip over my IV cord and rip it out, lots of blood - LONG story, anyway I had them give me some "calming" meds before the good stuff before my surgery)

Express your fears to the anthestesologist if you are still nervous right before surgery. He can give you something to help calm you (believe me this comes in helpful if you freak out - and well I've freaked out before surgery in the past - had a dr trip over my IV cord and rip it out, lots of blood - LONG story, anyway I had them give me some "calming" meds before the good stuff before my surgery)
Hi, good morning.
Yes, I am nervous, scared and Happy. I have had many surgeries. I know my number # 1, supporter won't be here to help me after surgery. You might ask the 5 W's. Well that would be my Mother, she passed away in May 25, 2004. I know she will be with me, its just different with her not actually being there. I know its hard to explain, she has been there more many things. I know she is going to have her angels around. I am going to take a relaxation CD with me, so I am calm and have people in my community pray for me during the time.

These are happy tears, I mean the ones that you are excited and laughing about. I know its tough for me now. I know my anxiety is going up....
Yes, I am nervous, scared and Happy. I have had many surgeries. I know my number # 1, supporter won't be here to help me after surgery. You might ask the 5 W's. Well that would be my Mother, she passed away in May 25, 2004. I know she will be with me, its just different with her not actually being there. I know its hard to explain, she has been there more many things. I know she is going to have her angels around. I am going to take a relaxation CD with me, so I am calm and have people in my community pray for me during the time.

I am sorry that you don't have your mom there for you, It must be tough, I am sure she would be super proud of you!!
Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!
ok, so i have been FLIPPING OUT! it hit me yesterday that i only had 2 weeks and I am soooooo scared, i feel like having a heart attack every time i think about it, as a matter of fact, I cant think about it.
Support Group for Fall 2011 WLS! Please come and join!
I am a big scaredy cat! Used to have to lay down to get blood drawn. When I got pregnant after trying for seven years my Nurse Practitioner just laughed and said, "now what are you going to do"?
I said, "Think about it then".
That is exactly how I feel about this surgery. I want it and I 'm going to do it. Scared? YOU BET!
I said, "Think about it then".
That is exactly how I feel about this surgery. I want it and I 'm going to do it. Scared? YOU BET!
Thanks "Jax", she would be proud that I made the best choice to be healthy. I have one week, omg, I am scared and nervous......... UGh, I miss cheese, I am following my 1 week diet, like no cheese and other stuff. I havent had soda in so long, I do miss it but dont. I cant have red meat. I do like Tuna Fish and Soem eggs with a little of mustard.
I'm not really nervous about the surgery, but am about the anesthesia. I've been put to sleep once but it was for an emergency C-Section and I had awareness under anesthesia. So nervous that this will happen again. I work as a RN in the OR and have seen to much, sometimes ignorance is bliss :) My surgery is 11/7 so just a day before yours. Good luck :)