When I say "my mouth gets me in trouble", I mean I speak my mind as well as over eat. Cripes.
I decided to start this group because I feel like people sugar coat the truth and their feelings sometimes - ok, most of the time. I want to be able to express my frustrations and let others express theirs too. Sometimes I might cry, I might swear, I might scream... but I think that's healthier then sitting there gritting my teeth, letting things build up.
I started reading a book when I first decided to make this journey and I found it to be a bunch of flowery crap. Yes, she had successful weight loss surgery, but PUH-LEEEZE. She walked into a clinic and three months later she had surgery - no talk about the emotions, no talk about the process, no honest talk about the struggles of losing the post-op weight, no talk about the struggles after the surgery. The "journal" was probably 1/4 of the book and the rest was other information such as recipes, etc. That's great - but I want to know, are my emotions and fears normal? Are they shared by others?
For example - I went to my first psych appointment on January 12, 2011 and that "doctor" was the most intimidating person I have ever met. I felt awful - like I completely blew it - by the time I left that office. It was a firing squad of questions and him asking "are you sure?" when I would answer certain questions. That was a day I wanted to scream, swear AND cry. I felt exposed and judged - not because of the questions, but the way they were asked, the way he stared at me when I answered. Are all of those bariatric psychologists as detached and unemotional as that one is? Did anyone else feel that way?
I did the MMPI and have my next appointment with Dr. Stone-face on February 2. I hope he tells me I am normal as he stares me down...