Eastern Shore of MD WLS Support
The weekend's here!
Okay, the weekend's here. What are you planning for the weekend? Will it include getting out and MOVING????
Just walking around the yard is a good start if you have been a couch potato. If you need to go to the grocery store, park a little further away from the door. Grab a stray cart and start walking! Don't just go in and get what you have on your list. Walk the perimeter of the store (that's where most of the good for us stuff is anyway!) Walk it more than once.
I like to go into Walmart and spend about an hour walking around. I usually do it when I'm not with the hubby (because, he'll fill up his basket if we're in there that long!) Push the cart. I've even been tempted to throw in a few 50 pound bags of dog food to give the cart more weight! (But then I would have to put it back!)
At work I have been parking a little further out in the parking lot each day. Right now (at 10 weeks out) I am already parking on the other side of the lot with only one more row to move. Then I guess I'll start parking in the parking lot at the drug store across the road. This gets me moving early in the morning and then the afternoon walk gets me ready for my 3X weekly workout at the gym.
Let's make a pac to all get moving! Go to somewhere you can create a ticker for your signature. Put in your goal and then GET GOING!
Let me know how you're doing. Who knows, you just might find that you really do enjoy the walking!
Until next time,
Just walking around the yard is a good start if you have been a couch potato. If you need to go to the grocery store, park a little further away from the door. Grab a stray cart and start walking! Don't just go in and get what you have on your list. Walk the perimeter of the store (that's where most of the good for us stuff is anyway!) Walk it more than once.
I like to go into Walmart and spend about an hour walking around. I usually do it when I'm not with the hubby (because, he'll fill up his basket if we're in there that long!) Push the cart. I've even been tempted to throw in a few 50 pound bags of dog food to give the cart more weight! (But then I would have to put it back!)
At work I have been parking a little further out in the parking lot each day. Right now (at 10 weeks out) I am already parking on the other side of the lot with only one more row to move. Then I guess I'll start parking in the parking lot at the drug store across the road. This gets me moving early in the morning and then the afternoon walk gets me ready for my 3X weekly workout at the gym.
Let's make a pac to all get moving! Go to somewhere you can create a ticker for your signature. Put in your goal and then GET GOING!
Let me know how you're doing. Who knows, you just might find that you really do enjoy the walking!
Until next time,
Great to see you are planning to "get moving"! Climbing that ladder will probably show you muscles you didn't even know you had!
And, taking care of hubby...well, we all know how much time we will spend sitting on our duffs. NOT!!!!
Who's going to join us this weekend?
Remember, with the temps as high as they are PLus the humidity, make sure you DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. Stay away from those drinks with caffine and opt for water or sugar free sports drinks.
Let's agree to post on Monday to see what everyone did!