Drop 10 for 10 Challenge (10410)
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where do I start and when will it start?
I really need help here.

Get back on the train with us and let's have a more successful year together. I can't tell you that every day will go good. Some will not. But the more days that are good, the more chance we have of getting back where we used to be and not becoming one of those failure statistics. We are not failures. We are powerless over our addictions. We have to take control and abstain from what draws us to the old habits.
Easiter said than done.....I preach a good game. I know what needs to be done...Doing it is HARD! Today was my third day back on the "wagon". I have done really good for 3 days. The cravings are BAD. Today....I ate a hand full of sun chips *whole wheat). Now I know that this is exactly what I do not need to do. It was not Lays Ruffels....but nontheless, it was BAD for me. I have FAILED today. I am not going to quit because of it. I am down 3 pounds in 3 days and walked 3 miles on the treadmill this morning. What I am doing good outweighs what I am doing bad right now. I will WIN! I just have to keep trying and It will be ok. Once the cravings are gone...It will be much easier.
Sound firmillier?????????? Lets take back out lives together. Tell each other when we are about to die for a cracker or a sip of caffine! I would kill for a diet coke right now!
I am going to try for the protien 3 to 5 day with only protien shakes. I have never been able to do that. I am going to do it this time. Tomorrow morning....starts my 3 day pouch test.....
I had surgery in 2007
Lost 112 pounds
reached my goal weight of 135
and now I am back up to 155
I need to lose 20 pounds to get back to my goal weight!
It is really all in your determinatination to do what you know is what you have to do. JUST DO IT!
Crackers are my Trigger Food. In any form...But I especially like those little cheese crackers with the peanut butter in them that you buy at the corner gas station store. I will go out of my way to get of them. There is hardly any nutritional value in them and I can't seem to stay away from them. They have CARBS....they make me want more carbs and so on and so on.
In addition, I keep an invalid mother at my house and my husband has gone on day shift for the first time in 3 years. I used to go to the Gym 5 times a wee****il his shift changed. Now I have to be here with mom during the day. (he would stay with her while I went to the Gym). I just can not make myself go at night! I am afraid to be there by myself after dark...it is a 24/7 kind of gym and there are not many people there after 7pm when is when I would have to go. ANYWAY....So now add Carbs/Sugar and no exercise and I am killing myself.
Bought a new treadmill......Trying to detox myself away from carbs and get back on track. I am sure I will need motivation and in turn would be happy to give some motivation. We can do this....We have the power over this......We can not be weak.....It is an addiction......The first thing is to admit it. I have. Now on to success AGAIN!