Drop 10 for 10 Challenge (10410)
Do you remember the "early" days out?
I've been posting lately that I am struggling to get back to that "early" days surgery feeling, you know the go-getter motivation to do whatever it takes to make this surgery work, and the euphoria of stepping on the scale and seeing a loss...
Last night I started thinking back, I don't still have the worksheet my Nut gave me about quantities per meal/snacks ( it also listed all the low carb veggies ), wish I had kept it, cuz I'd like to refer back to it now...Anyway, the early plan from my doc was 2 weeks straight liquids, 3 weeks pureed, 4-6 weeks soft foods and by about the 3rd month I was able to "eat" as long as I remember to REALLY chew well, last was at about 6 months when I could add back in carbs of the high fiber variety & eat anything my pouchie would handle...Of course this whole program was built on the concept of low fat, no/low sugar, etc...
Well, today, I'm feeling really on track...I think I can make it back part of the way to that early feeling...I'm not talking all liquids or eating puree again, but I feel like I can commit to the basic tenents of those early days ...I changed my eating habits when I got to maintenance, I had too in order to stop the weight loss process, so said my nut, try : adding back full fat cheeses & real butter, increasing my allowable real sugar to about 15grams a serving ( instead of 5 or less ), allowing more bready type carbs into may diet...It all worked great to finally stop the loss, but now I realize the long term reprocussion was that it sabataged my thinking, because my nut said to do these things in MODERATION...Now over time my idea of moderation seems to expanded...
Is anyone else out there feeling this too ...
So I'm starting a modified basics plan today...Back to smaller servings - protein shake for breakfast, 2-3 oz serving of lower fat meat and a spoon of lower carb veggies for other 2 meals, snacks will be lowfat choices too (like string cheese or a slice of lunchmeat )...I'm being realistic and know that I may not see immediate results from following this type of plan, but in the long haul I know I will AND I know it will get me back to my clean living and eating goal...
I invite all of you looking in to re-evaluate what you did to lose and what you are doing now that has put a kink in the process...Join me in getting clean again, euphoria is just around the corner, I can feel it ...
Continue success to all...I look forward to hearing from you on your new commitments...
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
I am joining you in getting clean again, I can feel euphoria too....