Drop 10 for 10 Challenge (10410)
Monday - A New Day - Its time to Re-Account : Re-Focus
I need to reach back and kick my own butt into gear...The 1st week of the new year has passed and I still feel like I'm letting the chance to make it work pass me by

Made the weeks menu's, bought the necessities & spent the day cooking...Made 2 hearty protein heavy soups - sausage & lentil and white chicken chili...Had the lentil for dinner last night, will have again for lunch today with a lf cheese stick...
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
I'm so glad Alesia that you just stepped forward and admitted where you were and how you plan to fix it. I'm super happy for you and now you are well on your way to reaching your goals.
Any other confessions or admissions? We will not judge, but it does the mind some good to throw it out there in the open for more to see...and then we can move on. Come on some of you member wallflowers...tell us what is on your mind in your own due time....when you are ready.
Best wishes for your success.
Start Wt: 347 -- Lowest: 191 -- Current: 216.2 -- Goal: 197
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New in 2010
Regain of 20 pounds has thrown me for a loop - will not let this get the best of me - what am I doing about it?
Today is a new day. Have my workout clothes in the car and will stop and get it done on my way home from work.
Lap RNY 1-31-05
Highest Preop: 280 pounds
Current: 181 pounds
Hi MaryEllen,
The exercise part of my plan has never been a really big problem , have been faithful about 3 days a week @ water aerobics or tread mill since the beginning...The cold has been deterring me from adding some type of additional exercise the other 4 days, primarily because my "added" exercise is power walking the dogs around my neighborhood - while I do not live in the great white north ( although did live in Alaska for 5 yrs ), since surgery I am COLD pretty much all the time and down here in the south the humidity makes the "minor" cold temps feel bone-chilling...
Keep putting the clothes in the car, and if necessary zap them in the micro 1st before you put them on ( my mom does this with her socks & undies and she lives in FL - )
We're going to succeed, we've just got to keep plugging away...
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
I used to be so good about exercising and that all went out the window a couple of years ago when I bottomed out with terrible anemia. Didn't have the energy to get out of bed let alone exercise so I allowed myself a pass on that one. I will start to get into a regular routine again and then work travel (I do travel a good bit with my job) or something else will get me thrown off and then it's anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months before I get back at it. I've done water aerobics in the past and really liked it, but it was at an outdoor pool so is only available in the summertime. I really don't have an excuse for not exercising....have a treadmill at home and lots of workout DVDs. For me it's getting motivated and staying motivated.
I like the idea of warming the cold clothes in the micro! During my lunch hour I go out to the car and bring the clothes into my office so they are at least room temp by the end of the workday. If I change into my workout clothes before leaving work I have less of an excuse not to stop and get in a workout.
Lap RNY 1-31-05
Highest Preop: 280 pounds
Current: 181 pounds
Worked out for 45 minutes today and drank 8 glasses of water! Woohoo!
Water is the next thing I need to work on. Prior to surgery I drank loads of water...especially with meals. After surgery I just didn't have the pouch capacity to drink as much as before and the whole not-drinking-while-eating and having to wait at least an hour after eating before taking a drink or else it would cause me to throw up, really screwed up my desire to take in more fluids. Plus I developed the bad habit a few years ago of substituting coffee over water as my liquid of choice!
Lap RNY 1-31-05
Highest Preop: 280 pounds
Current: 181 pounds
Coffee , specifically Latte's became my cross addiction post surgery, never much of a coffee drinker before, but definately have a leaning to it now...In the past few years I have used the non-fat milk ladden latte as a substitute for my breakfast protein shake and have done so on a regular basis...Does not affect my water consumption ( still get 80 oz+ a day of water ) but as I posted before, I think the lattes have had an affect on my little regain...So for now I'm limiting myself to once a week as a splurge for DH & me time at the local Starbucks on Saturday or Sunday A.M. and of course taking other steps to get & keep myself on track...
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142