Dr. Kerlakian's Group


It's Been So Long...
April 8, 2010 5:20 am
I'm sorry that it has been so long since I posted.  I have been a busy girl working three jobs and I went back to college.  I guess I figured I would go back and finally finish my bachelors since I can now fit in the chairs and move easily around campus (steps!)  So, I decided to major in Food & Nutrition with a business minor in business.  I decided I want to be a part of this country's obesity solution.  I am totally amazed at what I see some of my friends feeding their kids and even eating themselves.  Now that I am just over year out from my surgery, I am starting to see some of those bad habits starting to creep back in.  That is so scary to me!  I am a "SNACKER"!  I catch myself wanting to snack for no reason.  I have finally faced the fact that I had and still have an addiction to food.  Food, the only addiction you can't quit cold turkey.  I am so grateful for my second chance that addiction or no addiction, I refuse to let the obesity creep back in.  Dr. K is right when he says that it's an incurable disease.  I have been struggling lately with being comfortable with myself, food, and exercise.  I've been at the same weight for about 2 months now and I am just not accepting this weight.  People think I'm crazy when I say that I would like to lose 30 more pounds.  Will it ever be enough?  I am, of course, my worst critic.  Food is my best friend and my worst enemy.  I try to tell myself everyday that I should eat to live, not live to eat.  A friend of mine told me that one time and I've never forgotten it.  Exercise!  Well, with being so busy my exercise has gone down the drain.  I'm still trying to get back on track.  I have challenged my husband to a "biggest loser" contest to help myself and him get on the right track.  Well, I hope everyone is doing well!  Feel free to email me anytime to chat!  I love chatting with my wls family.  It makes me feel better since you all are the only ones that understand.  My email is [email protected].   
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