Dr. Kerlakian's Group


Summer Is Near...
May 19, 2010 10:57 pm

I went and bought a new bathing suit this year and yes it took me DAYS to find one that fit just right and hid as much excess skin as possilbe.  By the way, Old Navy has swimsuits for $10 if your looking!  I've sadly decided that I will not be wearing shorts or a swimsuit in public this year.  Yuck!  Sagging excess skin.  The funny thing is that I care about what I look like more now than I ever did.  I'm also extremely critical of myself.  Anyway, I was thinking of some fun summer treats like ice cream, popsicles, etc.  Go figure I was thinking about food.  I found some new ice cream that is very doable for us surgery patients.  I know I've told you about the Edys Fat Free, No Sugar Added Vanilla Chocolate Swirl and it's available at Kroger.  The problem is that is the ONLY flavor available.  As  you all know, I work for Kroger if  you don't know, Kroger owns a brand called Turkey Hill.  The have great drinks and frozen treats.  I went to the Turkey Hill website and noticed that they make a no sugar added line.  I checked out all the nutritional facts and 4 out of 5 flavors are Fat Free, No Sugar Added.  Yeah!  Variety!  I went to my Kroger store (Hyde Park) and of course no Kroger store in Cincinnati carries this line.  You can call Turkey Hill and order it and soon you will be able to order online.  In the meantime I am putting up a fight to get it in our stores!  As a company, I believe that we should offer healthy options to our customers.  I know it's the easier choice to pick sales (profit) over health, but it's just 5 flavors!  Make Room!  If you all would like to help me get this product in our stores, please call 1-800-Krogers and make a product request!  Visit http://www.turkeyhill.com/products/no-sugar-added-ice-cream.aspx to see all of the no sugar added options.  Post your favorite summer treats!

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It's Been So Long...
April 8, 2010 5:20 am
I'm sorry that it has been so long since I posted.  I have been a busy girl working three jobs and I went back to college.  I guess I figured I would go back and finally finish my bachelors since I can now fit in the chairs and move easily around campus (steps!)  So, I decided to major in Food & Nutrition with a business minor in business.  I decided I want to be a part of this country's obesity solution.  I am totally amazed at what I see some of my friends feeding their kids and even eating themselves.  Now that I am just over year out from my surgery, I am starting to see some of those bad habits starting to creep back in.  That is so scary to me!  I am a "SNACKER"!  I catch myself wanting to snack for no reason.  I have finally faced the fact that I had and still have an addiction to food.  Food, the only addiction you can't quit cold turkey.  I am so grateful for my second chance that addiction or no addiction, I refuse to let the obesity creep back in.  Dr. K is right when he says that it's an incurable disease.  I have been struggling lately with being comfortable with myself, food, and exercise.  I've been at the same weight for about 2 months now and I am just not accepting this weight.  People think I'm crazy when I say that I would like to lose 30 more pounds.  Will it ever be enough?  I am, of course, my worst critic.  Food is my best friend and my worst enemy.  I try to tell myself everyday that I should eat to live, not live to eat.  A friend of mine told me that one time and I've never forgotten it.  Exercise!  Well, with being so busy my exercise has gone down the drain.  I'm still trying to get back on track.  I have challenged my husband to a "biggest loser" contest to help myself and him get on the right track.  Well, I hope everyone is doing well!  Feel free to email me anytime to chat!  I love chatting with my wls family.  It makes me feel better since you all are the only ones that understand.  My email is [email protected].   
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The New Year
January 10, 2010 11:24 pm
I apologize that it's been so long since I've posted anything.  The holidays, as usual, were crazy.  I discovered something this Christmas good and bad.  The good thing is that I can eat chocolate (bite size), the bad news is that I can eat chocolate.  As I'm approaching my one year surgiversary, I am discovering that I am able to tolerate more and more.  This is scaring the crap out of me!  I had to have a little chat with myself and I sat back and thought about 2009.  I have now discovered that Dr. K has given me a gift and now it is up to me to keep up with my new healthy lifestyle.  I have 40lbs to go until I reach my ultimate goal weight and I know I have to have patience.  It's not going to go as fast and it's not going to be as easy.  I started the year by making a few goals.  I like goals rather than resolutions.  I feel like I can reach a goal!  My two biggest goals are to of course lose the last 40lbs and to run my first 5K this year.  My personal training contract ends after 9 more sessions and I am sad.  I could sign up again, but I could really use that extra $200 per month.  I owe my life to Dr. K and my trainer Luke because if it wasn't for them I would have continued on my self destructive path.  I had a fantastic 2009 and hope to continue the great success and happiness in 2010.  I encourage all of you to set your long term and short term goals.  Make a list and accomplish them!  I hope you all have a fantastic year and hope that we all continue to keep in touch and helping each other through our life changes.

Mandi B.
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Christmas Weekend
December 7, 2009 11:38 pm
So, my husband and I just spent the weekend in Paducah, KY for his family's yearly weekend Christmas.  It was challenging, but I did good and feel confident.  I even lost one pound while I was there.  Friday night was the hardest.  They do not do dinner on Friday night, but they do appetizers.  I'm talking a load of appetizers!  From dips to mini sandwhiches.  So, before we went there on Friday evening, we stopped at O'Charley's and I got a small steak so that I would not be hungry all night.  I did have a couple of Tostito Chips with salsa, a couple of crackers with some crab dip (mostly crab trying to avoid the cream cheese) and luckily they had some veggies and fruit.  Saturday I woke up early and went and worked out in the hotel's gym, then went out to lunch with the family.  I ordered grilled shrimp w/ no butter and a side of steamed veggies.  Well, they brought out the shrimp in a BOWL of Butter!  I told them that I said no butter and they took my shrimp back.  Just one minute later the brought me the shrimp out in a bowl without butter, but the shrimp was still dripping with butter.  Uuugghh!  So, I took my napkin and tried to soak up all of the butter to be able to eat the shrimp.  My goodness!  This is why we do not eat out!  You have no control what goes in or on your food.  The rest of the day was pretty good, Mike's aunt made dinner and I had some ham, lima beans and corn.  The next morning was so hard!  I made my protein drink before we went back to his aunt's house to say goodbye to everyone and they were all having Kringle.  For those of you who don't know Kringle is a dutch pastry from a dutch pastry shop in Racine, WI and it's phenominal!  I absolutely could not resist.  I cut the tiniest sliver I could and it was delectable.  The bad thing is that my father-in-law drives to Racine every year to pick up Kringle for everyone, so needless to say we have two full rings of Kringle in our freezer.  It's taunting me!  So, my first Christmas holiday went pretty good.  I had a few bites of items I probably wasn't supposed to have, but I think all in all it went pretty well.  I look forward to our holiday party on 12/15!
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Turkey Day is Coming!
November 24, 2009 11:22 am
I have to say I am getting nervous because this is my first year of holidays after my Gastric Bypass.  We have Turkey day in two days, my husband's family Christmas weekend next weekend and then all of my family's holiday functions at the end of December.  I tell myself everyday it's all about calories in vs. calories out.  This last 46lbs is going to hell especially with the good food holidays coming.  Uggghhhh if only my mom was a bad cook!  :)  Well, does anyone have any holiday advice?
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