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About counting calories great app

posted 4/26/12 12:47 pm
I Like my fitness pal because its free and patient recommended,

 It is essential as you all know to manage our calorie intake and to limit it to a certain number of  calories a day and to prefer protein over carbohydrates etc, but first we need to answer some simple questions, in order to be successful in this life long journey.

1.- What do I like to eat?
As simple as it sounds this is a very difficult subject to cover, it is critical not to "satanize or sanctify" food choices but to simply accept and log our food choices in order for us to have a clue of the things we like to eat.
By keeping a journal for a few days or logging in My fitness pal app, we can have a clear idea of the choices made, but also of the specific number of calories for every one of the choices we made, making it easy to plan  meals whit in the allotted calorie amounts.
Lets face it if we like something  we will eat this or at least try to 1,000,000 cookie cutter diets come and go because people return to their favorite foods, the solution is EDUCATION, if we know the amount of calories in the foods we like we will make a plan and stick to it.

2.- Do I exercise? not all people can run a marathon, in fact most people can't, but by knowing your limitations you can reach goals that are far beyond your initial expectations, if you do not use a cane or a walker then aerobic exercise is reasonable, start slow and build up with time, if you have more limitations then water aerobics are agreat start.

please comment and expand as you wish
sincerely your Dr. Nahmias

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