Central Florida's Loser's on the Winning End!


Checkin-Touching base
September 29, 2011 1:57 am
Hi all.   I have been extra busy lately with work, my master's degree and now I am moving.  Things have been very hectic and I just wanted to do a quick check in and see how everyone is doing.  I missed my meeting in Ocala last time but I will try to be at the next one.  Donna - I will see you then hopefully!

Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.  I am not moving far, so I will still be a part of the group - just right now there is a LOT going on with me for moods/emotions getting out of sync.  I have had my mom in ICU in July for 10 days and my uncle in ICU most of September (three surgeries he wasn't expected to make it through due to his weakened state and he made it!!).  It has been a very rough time, but you know what - that what doesn't break you down will make you stronger.  

Just didn't want you to think I forgot you or wasn't a part of the group - it just has been a rough patch.  On that note, would any of you be interested in helping me out with the group posts and activities?  If you are, please email me or let me know and I can review those interested and make some others administrators of our group.  I think that may help in getting folks involved in the group and maybe we can try some group chat activities or group meetings too that way.

Thank you all and let me know how you are doing and what's going on.   

Update for me - i am down 80 pounds now!!  Whoo - Hoo!!  It feels so good to have a half a person gone from my joints and bones now.  No pain walking in shoes, clothes that are cute and I actually am getting cold again.  
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Happy Independence Day
July 4, 2011 1:01 am
 I wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July - Independence Day.  While I know it represents the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, it has another representation to me this year also.  If you think about it, we as people became a little dependent on others when we were going through life prior to surgery.  I personally depended on food to get me through emotional issues, my mom to care for me when my body would give out (blowing out my knee and throwing my back out multiple times in a single year) and the restrictions that came with being overweight.  

Now, I do feel independent and full of possibilities.  I feel like I can actually celebrate Holiday's, my life and myself in ways I didn't see as possible prior to this surgery.  For those who feel like I do - I want to wish you a Happy Independence Day on this level too.  It is something to be very happy for and to truly embrace on this journey of a new life.  For those of you who are years out from your surgery date, take a moment to appreciate those wonderful things you have been able to do and maybe share some of them with us on here.  It is always wonderful hearing inspirations from those of you have walked the walk that we are just starting now.  You have been there and you know how the change of a healthier you has enhanced your life.

Thank you for listening... and to each and every one of you - I truly do wish you a very Happy Independence Day.  Let's celebrate safely with the ones we love and cherish as close friends in our life.

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We are off to a start...
May 7, 2011 11:40 pm
The group was started yesterday and we have a total of 3 members including me.  This is a very exciting opportunity and I look forward to having many others join us.  Let's get the word out to everyone within the Central Florida area who are patients of Dr. Jawad. 

I did post a message on the Florida board... so hopefully that will generate some interest in our new group.
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Central Flordia patients of Dr....
May 7, 2011 4:43 am
Hi all.   I just started this group so that Dr. Jawad's patients could have a place to get together and talk about experiences, share stories and support one another.

I look forward to hearing from all of you and please feel free to invite other patients or potential patients of Dr. Jawad.

I am in no way affiliated with Dr. Jawad's office, other than the fact I am a patient of his.

Let's get together and make some plans to be "Loser's on the Winning End!!"

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Group Leader

Mandi E.
Group Administrator