Living Good with Livengood

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Topic for September 20th group

Pam Davis
on 9/19/10 8:41 pm - Franklin, TN
Focusing Skills Traing: Dealing With Underlying Issues That Cause Me to Want to Eat
Time: 6:00 - 7:00
Location: 2200 Murphy Avenue (Tace building) classroom.
This group is facilitated by Dr. Janice Livengood. Dr. Livengood consistently provides tools you can use to help you delve deeper into your emotional attachment to food.
Pam Davis, Certified Bariatric Nurse, Bariatric Program Director
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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Denise M.
on 9/20/10 12:12 am
I'm looking forward to tonight's discussion.

Seems like they are always exactly what I need to hear!  