Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

Recent Posts

on 4/22/08 10:22 am - louisville, OH
Topic: photos
terri great pics of the meeting but where are the pics of our great leader????????? krista
on 4/17/08 11:50 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: Check out the photos!
As you all were aware, I was snapping of pictures of our April support group meeting.  Go to the "Photos" on the left side, click on it and view the April photos.  What a great looking bunch you are if I do say so myself!!!!  haveagoodday2.gif image by 07aseret

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 4/16/08 10:24 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: April Meeting ~ Welcome New Members

What wonderful April meeting!   Great weather, great members, who could ask for anything more?


 I want to welcome our newest members,

Terry Moore Tracy Kalmár

Lyn Myers

Judy Beaver


I personally enjoyed learning about the labels and nutrition from our guest speaker Peter Valencic.  As the dietitian at St. Vincent Charity Hospital ( Cleveland Center for Bariatric Surgery), Peter provided valuable information and tips.


Peter also introduced us to SmartForme protein supplement snacks, which after tasting the samples…were a hit!  YUM!!!!


As a reminder to all of our group members, regular attendance at support group meetings plays a large part in the success from weight loss surgery.  By sharing our experiences, feelings of being pre-operative, successes and challenges of the post-operative journey bond members in a way unlike other types of support groups.


As a support group leader I care about each and every one of you.  Whether you haven been a member from the very first meeting or it is your first meeting, “YOU” belong and have a special place in the group.  When you stop attending the meetings, you are missed as a valued member of the group.


Looking forward to seeing everyone at the May meeting on the 21st!



ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 3/23/08 3:05 am - Clayton, NC
Topic: Easter!
bunnyhappyeaster.gif picture by 07aseret

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 3/20/08 1:43 pm - Clayton, NC

In the gastric bypass patient, this normal digestive process is bypassed. So your body has between five and eight feet of digestive tract to do the job pre-op bodies have 20 feet or so to accomplish. This is why you need to watch which proteins you eat and make sure to eat proteins that are most easily digested. 

Proteins protect you. They form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses. Hormones, antibodies and enzymes that regulate the body's chemical reactions are all made of protein. 

If your body is deficient of protein, it can show up as swollen ankles and swollen calves. You might feel it as bone ache or joint pain. 

Without the right proteins, blood won't clot properly and cuts won't heal. You may lose your appetite and your libido. Your skin may become flaky, and your hair may start falling out.

Since the immune system is dependent upon adequate proteins, protein deficiency can show up as recurrent, severe infections. 

Before surgery your stomach could hold 32 ounces of food. As a post-op your stomach holds only between one and four ounces, depending on the type of surgery you had.

Your job so far as protein is concerned is to get between 60 and 100 grams of protein per day.

But following WLS surgery, your body will have difficulty absorbing proteins. You need more highly-absorbed proteins.

Early on you should rely on pre-digested (or "hydrolized") protein supplements to help you get enough protein. A whey blend protein is best. 100% whey protein would be second. Isolates, although they're good for a quick pick-me-up are not sufficient alone for the gastric bypass patients ongoing maintenance.

As your body starts to tolerate more types of proteins, you can use the drinks and supplements as snacks. After your first month post-op, consider seafood, tuna, tofu, bocca burgers and cottage cheese.

After your second month post-op, you might add chicken, duck, and deli meats.

It is advisable to wait until after your third month postop before eating red meats.

The human body cannot make protein, it must be obtained through diet. Take care of your body by monitoring your protein.

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 3/19/08 11:30 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: What a meeting! Thanks so Much
I was so pleased with the number of members who attended the March support group meeting last night!  Hope everyone had a great time, I know I did. Theresa, Alicia, Krista & June who attended our first meeting were joined by new members, Andrea, Merleen, Dodie and Lucie.  Unfortunately, Bob (who attended the first meeting) emailed me with his regrets for he was fighting a cold.  Hope to see him at our April meeting.  VictorianKitty.gif picture by 07aseret I thank each and every one of you ~ without YOU, there is no group.  Being able to share our ideas, successes, failures, hopes, dreams and most importantly.....supporting each other is invaluable! ThankYouMouse.gif picture by 07aseret

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 3/16/08 3:22 am, edited 5/23/08 11:06 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: March Meeting - Will you be attending?
Just a reminder we will be meeting Wednesday, March 19th 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the PAUL & CAROL DAVID YMCA located at 7389 Caritas Cir NW, Massillon ~ Jackson Township  Let me know if you plan on attending.  Please use the Events link (left hand column) to RSVP.  Look forward to seeing you there!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 3/3/08 8:41 am - Clayton, NC
Topic: Check out the Links!
I have listed a few websites which may be of interest.  Where to purchase protein supplements, wonderful SF flavors to add to your protein supplements, coffee, crystal light - whatever and a great site for recipes! Just click on the LINKS located on the left hand side of this page.

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 2/27/08 10:33 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: Protein Update-Unjury: Feel Better Two Ways

March 1, 2008

Unjury® Update: Feel Better Two Ways

As always, thank you so much for telling others who need protein about Unjury®.

When you get enough quality protein, you can feel better two ways:

First, you can feel good knowing that you are taking good care of yourself

Second, you can feel better physically too!

#1 Way to Feel Better: Knowing you are doing the right thing. When you are careful to get enough high quality protein, you know you are taking care of a fundamental key to health, your protein intake.

When you are committed to getting protein each day, you can be confident you are supporting the protein needs of every part of your body. One support group moderator called getting your protein every day a kind of "health insurance".

#2 Way to Feel Better: Actually feeling better physically Customers tell us they physically feel better in some way when they resume getting enough protein. For example:

  1. One customer said her husband generally doesn’t get enough protein, and had low energy. But he had just had a serving of Unjury and felt energetic enough to clean the house.
  1. Another reported that a family member’s thinking was clearer when they used Unjury.
  1. We regularly hear from customers and dietitians about weight loss success using Unjury, and weight loss can help you feel better in a number of ways.

The Importance of Protein Quality to Feeling Better

Some protein supplements don’t deliver what you need. For example, some use protein that is almost all from collagen – which alone has a PDCAAS protein score of 0. Others use a product that has a lot of lactose mixed in, or the label actually misrepresents what’s inside. In contrast, UNJURY (whose protein has a PDCAAS score of 100 – the highest score) uses only high quality protein Whey Protein Isolate and what’s on the label IS inside – 100%.

So get your protein every day. And Feel Better Both Ways !

Thank you !

Martha and Jerome

UNJURY Protein


1 This number varies for each person.

How can getting enough protein help you feel better physically?

Everyone is constantly losing protein—about 70 to 90 grams per day1—so getting enough protein consistently is essential to every cell in your body.

It is important to your:

Immune System

Muscles and Strength

Internal Organs

(including your heart)




Brain Health

UNJURY Protein Supplements Sterling, VA 20166 Toll-free 800 517 5111 E-mail: [email protected]

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 2/24/08 10:29 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: 2/24/08 Macedonia Luncheon
Janice, thanks so much for organizing this GTG.  I so enjoyed having the opportunity to meet everyone! 

I was Pam's angel for her WLS and was thrilled to be able to meet her in person.  I am so glad the rough times are behind you and you are looking great!  You go girl!

Judy, Kim and Dayna, I am so amazed at your success!  What an inspiration for all of us.  

Kim, congratulations on your upcomming nuptials and was delighted to have the opportunity to meet your finance.  Isn't love grand????

Robin, it was nice to meet another WLS member who had the same surgeon and able to "compare notes".  You keep up the good work, you are doing fantastic.

Janice, you only have 9 days until your surgery and am pleased to offer to be your .  We cannot wait until you join us on the other side and of course have saved you a seat on the "loser's bench".  

Looking forward to a future GTG and hopefully those who could not make it this time around can join us!  Everyone is welcome!

To see a picture of us all ~ taken by my DH (I never leave home without him!)  please visit photos!

3997.gif image by 07aseret

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
