Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

Recent Posts

on 8/19/08 9:59 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: Certificate of Completion!
August 16, 2008, I attended the 2008 Support Group Leadership Conference at the Cleveland Center for Bariatric Surgery (St. Vincent Charity Hospital).

It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet with other group leaders from around the Cleveland, Ashtabula area.  The agenda began with Karen Shulz, MSN Executive Direct of CCBS welcoming everyone.  Peter Valencic, RD Dietician presented a dietary review.  The media lately has been discussing alccohol use after weight loss surgery which was covered by Courtney Holbrook, PHD, Director Psychology CCBS.

After a lovely lunch and group discussion, Anita Maximim, Ph.D.M  discussed effective leadership Skills and style.  (It is my hope all of you feel I have practiced effective leadership).   

I was presented with a Certificate of Completion from the Cleveland Center for Bariatric Surgery for outstanding dedication and lasting contribution to WLS patients and completion of the 2008 Support Group Leadership Conference. 

I now have been certified by both OH and CCBS as a group leader!  And remember......without you, ALL OF THE GROUP MEMBERS, there would be no group! 

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 8/18/08 10:08 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: RE: Thank you

bighugsthankyou.gif picture by 07aseret

I appreciate your taking the time to let me know that you enjoy the meetings.  Everyone has such busy lives these days, including myself, so I understand.  I myself just returned from being out of town therefore the delay in responding to your post.

I look forward every month to seeing everyone, and meeting new members.   Having the opportunity to see how their WLS journey is progressing and being able to help in any way that I can is overwhelmingly rewarding.  Without you and the other members, THERE IS NO GROUP! 

Again, thank you ever so much for your continued support and keep up the excellent work!

JoinUsKittensgroup.jpg Come Join Us-Canton WLSSG picture by 07aseret

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 8/14/08 12:57 pm
Topic: Thank you
Terri you did a great job with last months meeting. Thank you for all your hard work .  I really enjoyed tasting different things.  Sorry this has taken so long to thank you for I have been very busy with my sons wedding it is this sat.  Looking forward to this months meeting. Cindy
on 7/31/08 9:41 pm - Clayton, NC

savedseatonloserbench.jpg Saved seat on loser's bench picture by 07aseret

I spoke with Terry Moore's wife the day after Terry's surgery and she said he was doing fine and all went well.  He was experiencing some discomfort which as we all know is to be expected. 

Remember to sip, sip, sip, and walk, walk, walk! 

Can't wait to see you at our next meeting Terry!  You did it!!!!

Congrats.jpg picture by 07aseret

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 7/29/08 10:21 pm, edited 7/29/08 10:22 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: Comprehensive Health Chart - Super!
 apples Protects your heart prevents constipation Blocks diarrhea Improves lung capacity Cushions joints
apricots Combats cancer Controls blood pressure Saves your eyesight Shields against Alzheimer's Slows aging process
artichokes Aids digestion Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart Stabilizes blood sugar Guards against liver disease
avocados Battles diabetes Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Controls blood pressure Smoothes skin
bananas Protects your heart Quiets a cough Strengthens bones Controls blood pressure Blocks diarrhea
beans Prevents constipation Helps hemorrhoids Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Stabilizes blood sugar
beets Controls blood pressure Combats cancer Strengthens bones Protects your heart Aids weight loss
blueberries Combats cancer Protects your heart Stabilizes blood sugar Boosts memory Prevents constipation
broccoli Strengthens bones Saves eyesight Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure
cabbage Combats cancer Prevents constipation Promotes weight loss Protects your heart Helps hemorrhoids
cantaloupe Saves eyesight Controls blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Supports immune system
carrots Saves eyesight Protects your heart Prevents constipation Combats cancer Promotes weight loss
cauliflower Protects against Prostate Cancer Combats Breast Cancer Strengthens bones Banishes bruises Guards against heart disease
cherries Protects your heart Combats Cancer Ends insomnia Slows aging process Shields against Alzheimer's
chestnuts Promotes weight loss Protects your heart Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood pressure
chili peppers Aids digestion Soothes sore throat Clears sinuses Combats Cancer Boosts immune system
figs Promotes weight loss Helps stops strokes Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood pressure
fish Protects your heart Boosts memory Protects your heart Combats Cancer Supports immune system
flax Aids digestion Battles diabetes Protects your heart Improves mental health Boosts immune system
garlic Lowers cholesterol Controls blood pressure Combats cancer kills bacteria Fights fungus
grapefruit Protects against heart attacks Promotes Weight loss Helps stops strokes Combats Prostate Cancer Lowers cholesterol
grapes saves eyesight Conquers kidney stones Combats cancer Enhances blood flow Protects your heart
green tea Combats cancer Protects your heart Helps stops strokes Promotes Weight loss Kills bacteria
honey Heals wounds Aids digestion Guards against ulcers Increases energy Fights allergies
lemons Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Smoothes skin Stops scurvy
limes Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood pressure Smoothes skin Stops scurvy
mangoes Combats cancer Boosts memory Regulates thyroid aids digestion Shields against Alzheimer's
mushrooms Controls blood pressure Lowers cholesterol Kills bacteria Combats cancer Strengthens bones
oats Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Battles diabetes prevents constipation Smoothes skin
olive oil Protects your heart Promotes Weight loss Combats cancer Battles diabetes Smoothes skin
onions Reduce risk of heart attack Combats cancer Kills bacteria Lowers cholesterol Fights fungus
oranges Supports immune systems Combats cancer Protects your heart Straightens respiration



peaches prevents constipation Combats cancer Helps stops strokes aids digestion Helps hemorrhoids
peanuts Protects against heart disease Promotes Weight loss Combats Prostate Cancer Lowers cholesterol Aggravates 
pineapple Strengthens bones

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 7/29/08 9:47 pm - Clayton, NC


meets the third Wednesday of each month.  


Next Meeting:  AUGUST 20, 2008

7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.




Margo Kessler, Ph.D., P.C.C.


Meeting will be held at the

PAUL & CAROL DAVID YMCA located at 7389 Caritas Cir NW, Massillon, OH 44646 in Jackson Township just south of Fulton NW on Wales Rd. (Rt. 241).


This month, please join Margo Kessler, Ph.D. of KESSLER PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES as she discusses food and it’s relationship.


Everyone needs support before and after WLS! 

Contact Teresa (Terri) Black at 330-497-1467 or email [email protected] or Visit


Please contact me if you plan on attending 

NOTICE:  Starting in SEPTEMBER, meetings will be held at



5155 Eastlake St NW, North Canton

Just south of Portage Rd. off Frank Ave.

(Across from Stark State College)

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 7/28/08 9:56 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: Sugar Substitutes

Sugar Substitutes

Sugar intake is a real concern for people who’ve had gastric bypass, in fact most patients fear sugar. The foremost fear isn’t weight gain, it’s dumping. Foods containing sugar pass too quickly through the small pouch, they are rapidly absorbed and cause insulin levels to drop resulting in dumping.

Very unpleasant. Instead of taking chances with sugar many of us reach for “sugar free” sweets or diabetic candy to satisfy our sweet tooth. Many of these products contain sugar alcohol, a natural sweetener derived from fruits and berries. Unlike artificial sweeteners that contain no calories, sugar alcohol has about half the calories of sugar. Diabetics are able to have food with sugar alcohol because it’s converted more slowly to glucose and require very little insulin to be metabolized.

Gas, Bloating and Diarrhea

While sugar alcohols are low in calories and slow to convert to glucose, the down side is they can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea. Do not learn this the hard way. One day that devil we call temptation may seduce you into buying a bag of sugar-free jelly beans. Jelly beans are dangerous because they are little bites of soft food which means a gastric bypass patient can eat too much volume. .

Some jelly beans Icontain  Mannitol, a common sugar alcohol extracted from seaweed. The package should list this warning, “Warning: excessive consumption can cause a laxative effect” With reading labels, Mannitol is found naturally in pineapples, olives, asparagus, sweet potatoes and carrots. It’s about 60% as sweet as sugar, so more product is needed to replicate the sweetness of sugar. “Mannitol lingers in the intestines for a long time and therefore causes bloating and diarrhea.” Yup! That’s exactly what happens all right.

What other names are sugar alcohols called?

Sorbitol is found naturally in fruits and vegetables. It is manufactured from corn syrup. Sorbitol has only 50 percent of the relative sweetness of sugar which means twice as much must be used to deliver a similar amount of sweetness to a product. It has less of a tendency to cause diarrhea compared to mannitol. It is often an ingredient in sugar-free gums and candies.

Xylitol is also called “wood sugar” and occurs naturally in straw, corncobs, fruit, vegetables, cereals, mushrooms and some cereals. Xylitol has the same relative sweetness as sugar. It is found in chewing gums.

Lactitol has about 30-40 percent of sugar's sweetening power, but its taste and solubility profile resembles sugar so it is often found in sugar-free ice cream, chocolate, hard and soft candies, baked goods, sugar-reduced preserves and chewing gums.

Isomalt is 45 - 65 percent as sweet as sugar and does not tend to lose its sweetness or break down during the heating process. Isomalt absorbs little water, so it is often used in hard candies, toffee, cough drops and lollipops.

Maltitol is 75 percent as sweet as sugar. It is used in sugar-free hard candies, chewing gum, chocolate-flavored desserts, baked goods and ice cream because it gives a creamy texture to foods.

Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH) are produced by the partial hydrolysis of corn. HSH are nutritive sweeteners that provide 40 - 90 percent of the sweetness of sugar. HSH do not crystallize and are used extensively in confections, baked goods and mouthwashes.

Should Gastric Bypass Patients indulge their sweet tooth with sugar alcohol?

The American Diabetes Association claims that sugar alcohols are acceptable in a moderate amount but should not be eaten in excess. In addition, weight gain has been seen when these products are overeaten.. For gastric bypass patients generally the key, as in all eating, must be moderation, not a full bag of jelly beans. And of course, we can always rely on the old advice of conventional dieters, “Hungry for something sweet? Reach for a piece of fruit.”

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 7/27/08 2:16 am - Clayton, NC
Topic: Pittsburgh ObesityHelp Event
I attended my first ObesityHelp event held in Pittsburgh.  I was so thrilled that we made it there, with only getting a bit lost right in downtwon Pittsburgh due to major construction and the roads were closed.

We arrived at 7:30 a.m., as the vendors were begining to set up.  I had the opportunity to speak with most of them one on one (how special is that) and able to take my time.

The opening speaker was world renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Dennis Hurwitz.  Talk about an amazing surgeon!  It was offered if you signed up to have a free private consultation with Dr. Hurwitz.  Well yours truly made sure to be on the list!!!  He has written two books, teaches other surgeons around the world and has a practice in California as well.  He is the founder of the TBL-Total Body Lift!  After meeting him, I made sure to get a copy of his book and he graciously signed it for me.

The other speakers throughout the day were totally awesome as well.  Dr. Anita Courcoulas - Bariatric Surgeon, Lynn Meinke - Professional Certified Life Coach, Kathy McFadden & Janet Wood - Fashion Fit Formula, Laura Preston - Motivational Speaker and Jeremy Gentles - OH Bariatric Fitness Expert.  The various vendors provided tons of free samples, and I had the opportunity to try AchieveOne which I found to be very tasty! 

A nice bariatric friendly box lunch was provided and all in all was in my opinion a wonder and informative day...well spent.  I had the pleasure of meeting several of the OH team and fellow members.  Kim with OH provided me with information for all of our group members along with some wonderful freebies!  Thank you Kim! 

We met with some OH sisters for dinner afterwards and had a great time getting to know one another and placing real faces with those we had posted with on the over 50 forum!  Had a terric time!

Thank you ObesityHelp for a marvelous event!!!!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 7/13/08 7:33 pm, edited 7/16/08 9:49 pm - Clayton, NC
Topic: Terry Moore-Surgery Postponed

Our member Terry Moore's surgery has been postponed from July 17th.  His new date is July 29th.
Let us all wish him an uneventful, successful surgery!  Cannot wait until you join us in the loser's bench!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

on 7/8/08 7:20 am
Topic: diabetic reaction
I am not sure what happened to me today but I had my usual HP Hot ****oa for breakfast. About 10 min after I felt sick, sleepy and just had to go to bed and sleep. Befor I went back to bed I took my blood sugar and it was 259 very high. I slept for about and hour then took blood sugar again it was 167 still to high but I felt much better. Has anyone ever had this happen. What could cause this? What can I do so this don't happen again?