Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

Groups » Canton Ohio WLS Supp... » Discussion » CONGRATULATIONS - Y...

CONGRATULATIONS - Your Group is a Featured Group!

Cathy W.
on 5/13/09 5:59 am
Hi Terri,

I wanted to let you and your OH Group members know that you are one of our Featured Groups on the Group home page.

Check it out:

Thanks for your participation and involvement with your special OH Group.

Again, congratulations,


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 5/12/09 10:10 pm - Clayton, NC
Hi Cathy...

Still have not received word back from you as to why the link you posted..(see below) does not work. 

Thanks again and await yoru reply...

One proud to be group leader


Check it out:

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
