Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

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Pittsburgh ObesityHelp Event

on 7/27/08 2:16 am - Clayton, NC
I attended my first ObesityHelp event held in Pittsburgh.  I was so thrilled that we made it there, with only getting a bit lost right in downtwon Pittsburgh due to major construction and the roads were closed.

We arrived at 7:30 a.m., as the vendors were begining to set up.  I had the opportunity to speak with most of them one on one (how special is that) and able to take my time.

The opening speaker was world renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Dennis Hurwitz.  Talk about an amazing surgeon!  It was offered if you signed up to have a free private consultation with Dr. Hurwitz.  Well yours truly made sure to be on the list!!!  He has written two books, teaches other surgeons around the world and has a practice in California as well.  He is the founder of the TBL-Total Body Lift!  After meeting him, I made sure to get a copy of his book and he graciously signed it for me.

The other speakers throughout the day were totally awesome as well.  Dr. Anita Courcoulas - Bariatric Surgeon, Lynn Meinke - Professional Certified Life Coach, Kathy McFadden & Janet Wood - Fashion Fit Formula, Laura Preston - Motivational Speaker and Jeremy Gentles - OH Bariatric Fitness Expert.  The various vendors provided tons of free samples, and I had the opportunity to try AchieveOne which I found to be very tasty! 

A nice bariatric friendly box lunch was provided and all in all was in my opinion a wonder and informative day...well spent.  I had the pleasure of meeting several of the OH team and fellow members.  Kim with OH provided me with information for all of our group members along with some wonderful freebies!  Thank you Kim! 

We met with some OH sisters for dinner afterwards and had a great time getting to know one another and placing real faces with those we had posted with on the over 50 forum!  Had a terric time!

Thank you ObesityHelp for a marvelous event!!!!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
