Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

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WOW-Our group made the CCBS News Letter!!!!

on 6/13/08 10:36 pm - Clayton, NC
I just wanted to share with my fellow support group leaders the article that was published in the St. Vincent Chareity Hospital-Cleveland Center for Bariatric Surgery support newsletter ~ May-June issue of Bella Vive.   I just love being able to offer the much needed support to my members and the group keeps growing every month.  We now have 27 members! 

Finding Support: Canton Group Offers Local Option

When Terri Black had her surgery at CBS in October 2007, she looked for support close to home but found the nearest group had disbanded. So she decided to start one herself. Since February, the Canton WLS Support Group meets on the third Wednesday each month from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Jackson Township YMCA, 7389 Caritas Circle NW, Massillon.

The group welcomes anyone who is considering or who has undergone weight-loss surgery. Since the first meeting where six people attended, the group has continued to grow.

“People need support whether they are thinking about undergoing surgery, have already been through it or have been through it and now need to find their way back,” she said. “So far, I think the members that I have seem to appreciate it."

Terri went through the Web site for information and took part in a teleconference to become certified as a group leader. She spends a great deal of time researching, contacting people, finding resources, getting free samples for group members and preparing for meetings. The group alternates open discussions with guest speakers. The May 21 meeting will feature an open discussion. On June 18, the group will host an Akron plastic surgeon to learn more about procedures commonly done after bariatric surgery weight loss.

For more information about the Canton WLS Support Group, see its listing on the CBS Web site or e-mail Terri at [email protected]; please put “Support Group” in the subject line when contacting her. Visit the CBS Web site to find a list of all local satellite support groups and contact information.

Link to the patient news letter, click on May-June 2008

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
