Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

Hair Loss

on 4/23/08 2:13 am

I have and still am seeing quite a bit of hair loss.  Boy when they say the 3rd month you will start they were not kidding. Am almost 5 months out am I getting closer to when it slows down.  Good thing I had plenty before hand.   Theresa

on 4/23/08 5:22 am - Clayton, NC
Hair loss may be a temporary problem for some patients within the first three to twelve months after the operation, usually starts around the 3rd month. This is largely due to vitamin deficiency (and surgery). There is no specific remedy other than proper nutrition and multivitamin supplements. Good news is that the new hair growing in is pushing out the old hair, hence the hair loss. Upping protein and taking biotin will not keep your hair from falling out but will help the new hair grow in faster and healthier. Take this time to maybe get a new short sassy hair cut, used cute hats or scarves. Try not to stress out too much, it will end.

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
