Canton Ohio WLS Support Group

Groups » Canton Ohio WLS Supp... » Discussion » April Meeting ~ Wel...

April Meeting ~ Welcome New Members

on 4/16/08 10:24 pm - Clayton, NC

What wonderful April meeting!   Great weather, great members, who could ask for anything more?


 I want to welcome our newest members,

Terry Moore Tracy Kalmár

Lyn Myers

Judy Beaver


I personally enjoyed learning about the labels and nutrition from our guest speaker Peter Valencic.  As the dietitian at St. Vincent Charity Hospital ( Cleveland Center for Bariatric Surgery), Peter provided valuable information and tips.


Peter also introduced us to SmartForme protein supplement snacks, which after tasting the samples…were a hit!  YUM!!!!


As a reminder to all of our group members, regular attendance at support group meetings plays a large part in the success from weight loss surgery.  By sharing our experiences, feelings of being pre-operative, successes and challenges of the post-operative journey bond members in a way unlike other types of support groups.


As a support group leader I care about each and every one of you.  Whether you haven been a member from the very first meeting or it is your first meeting, “YOU” belong and have a special place in the group.  When you stop attending the meetings, you are missed as a valued member of the group.


Looking forward to seeing everyone at the May meeting on the 21st!



ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
