Capital District of NY (AMCH)

Recent Posts

on 11/19/12 4:42 am - Cossayuna, NY
Topic: Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving is what, three days away? Yikes. For me its pretty much over since we had our family dinner on Saturday as I work all week. What are your tips for surviving what is basically a gluttonous holiday? For me as a three and a half years post-op its remembering that it is only one day and that everything in moderation is ok. 

Post your tips and trick for helping you stay on track. 

"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus

on 11/3/12 6:47 am - Albany, NY
RNY on 12/17/12
Topic: Hello-where is everyone right now in their process?

My name is Carol and I want to update.    I am in the process up here at AMC of getting my surgery date. I have decided to get my bypass up here as I do like my Team. They are great. I already got the 5% weight loss that is required in. What I have left to do is my 2 pre surgery support groups. Since I work nights there at Albany Medical Center  I try and schedule things morning or on when I am off.

You guys might want to call and check on the support group dates as they have changed from what is on the site.

The 5:30 pm Pre and Post op group coming up is on the 8th-Thursday.  I will try to get to that one-but due to the timing I may not get to that one. I definitely will be at the Nov  12th at 11am and the Nov 26th at 11am one. I do want to try and get to the Nov 8th one if I can make it. I work the night before and I am working that night.  Whereas I am off the weekend before Nov 12th and the 26th.

My pulmonary Evaluation will be on Nov 20th and my Pap Smear on Nov 14th.


Moving right along here-quite a bit to do this month.



on 9/4/12 7:18 pm - NY
Topic: RE: Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. So i got my surgery date today. That means i lost 5%, which is 19 lbs. It has been soooooooooooooo hard. All I want is bread. Lots and lots of bread. Anyways, the big day is November 6 2012. I am so excited, but also nervous. I have decided to get the sleeve. I kinda wish the sleeve gave me dumping syndrome like the bypass would. I know it sounds weird, but I need something to deter me from eating pastries and sweets. But on the other hand i'm not so fond of being malnuritished either. However I am still choosing to get the sleeve. I will keep you informed.
on 9/2/12 6:11 pm - NY
Topic: RE: Introduce Yourself

My name is Shelly. I'm with AMC. Hoping to have RNY. Getting clearances now and trying to lose my initial weight. I'm really looking for improved health and mood. So, I hope this will help me get on my way.

on 8/23/12 7:37 pm - NY
Topic: RE: Introduce Yourself
Hello. My name is Jen and i am in the process of losing my 10% to get my surgery date. I started at 335lbs and i am currently 321lbs. My next weigh in I should get my date as long as everything goes right.

i have chose not to tell anyone except my immediate family and 2 close friends,  about my decision to have bypass surgery. i do not want any of those comments about death and horror stories about other people they know. I just couldn't deal with it. i will tell other people when my date gets closer.

If i think about getting the surgery to much, I start to feel like a fraud. Thats the best way to describe it. I am 321lbs right now. I feel like there are other people who are heavier than I am and are doing it on their own. This is my 3rd time deciding that i am going to get WLS, I usually feel guilty and decide if other people can do it on their own, so can I. Obviously I can't. The only thing I did on my own was gain 335 lbs. Go me. Anyway, I will try to keep you updated.
on 8/14/12 5:38 pm, edited 8/13/12 10:39 pm - Albany, NY
RNY on 12/17/12
Topic: RE: Introduce Yourself
My name is Carol and I live in Albany. I work at Albany Medical Center on our Cardiac floor-night shift.
I have been to talk to our Weightloss surgery Program and am waiting until next year as My husband and I want to move back to our home state of Florida in May 2013 and I don't want to start it up here and then move I want to keep with the same Team. If I were going to stay up here I would already have signed up. My husband and I just cannot deal with the ice and snow every Winter. We miss the heat and our beach walks. Having said that they do have a good team going up here.

I am however getting some things done this year that will help towards it next year. I have signed up for my Colonoscopy, Mammogram, and Pap smear.
I am also doing well with my food and exercise tracking in my home journal and online (sparkpeople).
Sparkpeople had quite a few Spark Team Forums that are Bariatric and Gastric Bypass. Alot of info there and recipes. I have also read quite a few books on it including: "The Expert's Guide To Weightloss Surgery" by Dr. Garth Davis, Bariatric Surgeon and the Medical director of the Davis Clinic at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. Both he and his father-Dr. Robert Davis, also a Bariatric Surgeon are there at the Davis Clinic. Good book for all before and after surgery.

I am into getting ready for it to make my process a lot easier for me.





on 8/4/12 11:43 pm - Cossayuna, NY
Topic: Support Group
 Good morning all! 

Just want to let you all know that there is a support group meeting tomorrow evening for lapbanders at 5:45pm to 6:30pm.

That group is imediately follwed by those that are at least one year post-op from any surgery.

Both of these meetings are at Albany Medical Center South Clinical Campus, 25 Hacket Boulevard, Albany, NY

We welcome people from any hospital to these meetings. I won't be at the One Year out this time. 

Any questions? Please feel free to message me. 

"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus

rose conway
on 6/25/12 4:26 am - NY
VSG on 07/23/12
Topic: RE: Introduce Yourself
Hi are you? Awesome we have the same surgeon how did everything go with your surgery
rose conway
on 6/25/12 4:23 am - NY
VSG on 07/23/12
Topic: RE: Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Rose..I will be having surgery soon still deciding which surgery I want to have..i will be having surgery at Ellis hospital and terrance Clark is my surgeon..I will be getting my surgery date next week after nutrition I have to make my decision very soon..what surgery did you all have and how did everything go
on 6/24/12 4:13 pm - Cossayuna, NY
Topic: Sunday Stroll 6/24
 Hi guys - today is Sunday. I have been totally forgetting our Sunday stroll. Remember 15 minutes where ever you mind decides to take you? 

I used one of my breaks at work today to stroll. I walked over to the pond that is real close to work and just listened to the wild life. And the planes. I tried to imagine the exotic places that they may be taking people too. One of these days one of those big silver birds is going to fly me to the north west, probably Seattle so I can get on a cruise ship and see Alaska. 

Where did you wander off to today? 

"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus
