Central Connecticut Cares
"Getting Back on Track"
Yesterday I drove to Long Island to attend a SCALE (check 'em out) support meeting, very capably led by Heather and Tonimarie. BONUS: I also got to see some WLS friends that I had not seen in awhile.
One of the gems I took from the meeting was an OH publication, "On the Journey" titled Happy New Year Back On Track. A section titled Detour states "Think about your own weight loss journey. With the holidays, have you taken a few detours from being on track? If you've always attempted getting and being on track with lots of changes and it hasn't worked long term successfully, consider doing the same thing a different way. Consider for yourself, is it best to get back on track by making big changes or breaking down getting back on track into steps. For example, if you've gotten into grazing, drinking with meals and eating simple carbs and sugar, take one at a time rather than all of them. As an example, possibly for January, stop drinking with your meals. For February, set your goal for the month to avoid sugar and simple carbs, then for March take on another step in what you consider to be "on track" for you. You can reach a single goal easier in one month than multiple goals to make a sudden,abrupt turn in your life."
It goes on to explain "It takes 21 days (3 weeks) to form new habits. By committing to a single back on track goal on a monthly basis, you'll have created a new habit in the three weeks with an additional week to enjoy your success. Each monthly success creates a momentum of success and it becomes easier to stay on track."
Most Important... Lean on your support system! Call on your family and friends, post your concerns and successes on CCCares.
Remember Weight Loss Surgery is an event, losing the weight and maintaining your health is the Journey. Dan