Becks Diet Solution
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It is hard, and no its not just you. Your body is screaming for its own way, having a temper tantrum For the headache try eating a piece of fruit maybe an orange. Drink some water.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
So here I go, this is a big step for me because for years no one knew my weight. Even at my highest 346 pounds just before surgery none of my family knew I was that heavy. Today I do not have a problem sharing my weight with them but I am not happy about it.
The weight that I am today is not what I signed up for the day I allowed the Dr to re arrange my insides. I am not proud of what has happened in the last several years with the weight gain, so I am hoping that if I put it out there for the world to see ......maybe........
I am also going to start recording what I eat, I will record everything even if its 3-4 slices of pizza or a big slab of cake there may even be days when I eat nothing I will record that too. I will start this in a few days I need to syc myself up for this one.
When I got on the scale this morning after being sick for two days the scale said 263.5 I know it is water loss but I will do almost anything to keep it from going up!
Feb 10 2010 - 263.5
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Today I am feeling almost 100% hopped on the scale and I'm down 8 pounds since Monday morning. Told my daughter the one that passed on the bug to us, she asked" what else would you like me to bring home". Losing 8 pounds in 2 days I was tempted to say I'll take a double dose this time. LOL
Felt well enough to go to the gym this morning...was really ticked that they have no hand sanitized dispensers around. Made a point of bringing this to their attention and when I’m out today I will pick one up for the gym.
Does any one use the Thread Climber at their gym? I just spent 60 mins on it and burned just over 700 cal, Feel like one of the Biggest Losers
I said I was going to start posting my weight toda,I thought I woud put it in my signature but I think a new thread would be better that way if anyone else feels like joining it will be all together.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Not sure where Free is, so I guess I’ll start this thread.
Day 13 Overcoming Cravings
Prove to yourself that you don’t need to give into cravings…take control of them and make them go away.
Watch for your cravings and monitor them, they may not happen today or tomorrow but they will happen and when they do use the anti craving techniques provided in this chapter as well as the Craving Rate Chart (pg 129).
I have not had any cravings since I was sick so I will not do this today but I will spend this day going over this information so I am armed and dangerous when it tries to sneak up on me.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow

How many gr of protein a day do you eat? I find if I am eating enough protein I don't usually have a lot of cravings. But if I have lots of carbs I'm doomed.
I'm very proud of you for leaving that stuff at the store.
As for me I am babying my pouch and eating very little...I am surprised that I am not hungry at all. I am not drinking near as much as I should. Tomorrow I will increase my protein coffees to 2 instead of 1 i'm doing now, and i'll try to get back to drinking the 80oz I usually take in.
Also tomorrow I will start to record my weight here on a daily basis, I have tickers on other sites but I do not share my weight on a regular basis. I am helping this will help me a great deal.
I will eventually start to share what I eat every day as well.
I have not been doing all that well on my To Do List, needing a bit of a kick in the butt.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow