Becks Diet Solution
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I hear you life sometimes has some challenges that must be taken care of. Let me tell you you will always be a sister near and dear in my heart because of you starting this group I can see myself working through the challenges successfully this time.
Thank-You You are an angel

Keep us on your friend list we are there whenever or whatever you may need.

So all I can say is keep OUR EYES and MIND on the target which is our goal weight.
How often are you weighing in...
Trying to decide if I should do the daily weeklyor monthly weights
Lets make the choice to be happy at this particular accomplishment!!
I was just riding down the road and I rode past a convenience store and didn't stop to get any junk. I didn't have any junk on the front seat of my car. It was a true Wow moment. For the next few months I didn't even think about eating foods that I shouldn't. My friends and family were amazed.
It may have come too easily because once I did slip after 6 weeks on the program, I didn't know where to turn. Here we have each other whether we are working the program a program Day over the course of a calendar day or if we are working it slower.
Since I am doing a refresher course, I'm available to help anyone who needs it on the Hunger and Food Troubles Forum at the rate of a program Day per week. Join in whenever you want.
This seems to be along the same lines as yesterday
How do you feel when people are eat ting things that you know you should not be eating?
Life isn’t fair but there a lot of people in this world that are a lot worst off than I am. The most unfair thing in my life right now as far as losing weight is that…. I have to work very hard at losing every single pound and once I have lost it I still have to work extra hard to keep it off.
If you look at my weight chart you will see exactly what I am talking about.
If we turn to food when confronted with issues of unfairness, this response card is suggested: “Dieting may not be fair but I have two choices. I can feel sorry for myself, stop following my plan, never reach my goal, and continue to be unhappy with myself. Or I can sympathize with myself but go ahead and do what I need to do. Everyone experiences some kind of unfairness in life. This is one of mine. Besides, the greatest unfairness would be if I let this excuse prevent me from reaching a goal I strongly want to achieve".
Which muscle are you going to work when this issue arises? Give-in or Resist?
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Feb 9 2010 - 266
Feb 10 2010 - 263.5
Feb 11 2010 - 262.5
Feb 12 2010 - 262
Feb 13 2010 - 262
Feb 14 2010 - 262
Feb 15 2010 - 263 Opps, I guess it wasn't a plateau!
Feb 16 2010 - 263
Feb 17 2010 - 262
Feb 18 2010 - 261.5
Feb 19 2010 - 262.5 weigh & Graph day
Feb 20 2010 - 263.5
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Melva, I was wondering what day you were on.
We are such a small group that the more we post, the more we will get to know one another and the easier it will be to give each other advise and encouragement.
I think its okay to be scared, I get scared because of the fear of failure and the unknown. The thing to remember is that everything is not going to change over night. We all have some re-programming to do! I remember when I first had surgery how drinking was so hard…I was thirsty and I want to guzzle tha****er but I couldn’t because it hurt, but each time I had a drink…… I was able to drink just a little more and now I’m a big time guzzler.
What I am trying to say is baby steps, if you slip that’s okay acknowledge it, use your tools and move on.
I think the most helpful thing for me is to put my feelings and failures out there and to ask for help and support. I want to be there for you gals to give encouragement and support. We have to remember we are walking on new ground and each day there is a different door to walk though, and that we don’t have to walk thought those doors alone “we have each other"
Melva, I think doing what you are doing now is the best way to deal with the upcoming changes; come to OH, read your Advantage list also rereading some of the past days is really helpful.
We can do this!!!!!
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
I just want to sit downand touch base with the group here, First off Free we miss you and I know you can.
I am on Day 11 of my BDS prep. Almost time to start the actual " Meal Plan" I have chosen. This group is fantastic the way we have daily accountability and just general conversations giving opinions and ideas. Thats what we need it helps to keep us on track, when I want to mess up or fall off the plan I get on line and look and read through the entire OH. Of all the groups this is my most favorite, it gets personable I feel I personally know each of you and I hope you feel the sme about me.
I don't know whether to say I am scared or not I almost done with the prep now and now I gotta actually start the meal plan and the thinking and do this for the rest of my life. I am determined to make this work. Becks is the most sensible rationalization process, and it's so simple. I know we can all do it.
Why am I scared I don't know, I am just glad each of you are here so I can vent.
Was anybody else scared to actually implement what they've learned over the past 14 days leading up to this lifestyle change. Let me know and if so what did you do about it...