Becks Diet Solution
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Hi Melva, April and Bob, wondering how you are all doing?
I'm still hanging out on Day 24. Yesterday I went back to revisit some of the days that I feel need some extra attention.
I have slipped in some areas like giving myself credit and making a daily plan and even reading my ARC's. I feel if I am not doing these to the best of my ability I am cheating myself.
So I will take another day or two to get back on track and then on to Day 25.
I have read day 25-27 and honestly it scares me. If there is any lurkers that have got a handle on identifying sabotaging thoughts I would love to hear from you.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Feb 9 2010 - 266
Feb 10 2010 - 263.5
Feb 11 2010 - 262.5
Feb 12 2010 - 262 1st weigh in day
Feb 13 2010 - 262
Feb 14 2010 - 262
Feb 15 2010 - 263
Feb 16 2010 - 263
Feb 17 2010 - 262
Feb 18 2010 - 261.5
Feb 19 2010 - 262.5 weigh & Graph day
Feb 20 2010 - 263.5
Feb 21 2010 - 264
Feb 22 2010 - 265
Feb 23 2010 - 261.5
Feb 24 2010 - 261
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Hi Lori, welcome, glad you joined us. We are a small group working at different stages in the BDS book. We are here to support one another, to hold each others hand through this journey.
Feel free to post often, let us know what day you are working on and what you are experiencing.
I find the more I share the more accountable I feel. I am currently on day 24 and have decided to just hang out on this day for a few days . I have also been going back to previous days and recapping, trying to focus on days that need more attention.
Congratulations on the recent wedding!
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
I just joined your group and thought I'd give a quick intro. I'm 32 years old, married for the first time on January 30, moved to Texas from Tennessee three days after that. I have been under a lot of stress and have been eating badly (ok, very badly), but the stress is no excuse.
I bought the book by Beck and have been reading random chapters that have caught my eye, but haven't been following through with anything suggested....and I want to start doing that. So, here I am.
Thank you for starting the group, and i look forward to getting to know all of you -
Lori (-:
Bob I hope I didn’t scare you off. I really want to know how I can get my hubby involved…especially for a mans point of view
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Good job on ythe first day of you meal plan diet. Melva. I believe you will do this and get to your goal! After all we have all the tools and as long as we use them we will succeed!!!!( i've been wanting to use this guy for ever LOL)
Good job scheduling in you protein drinks. Way to go on losing those 10 pounds, what a great insensitive to keep going
WE CAN DO IT !!!!!!
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow

This plan will make you think and before you make that move, you must answer and I can tell you my reasons will be much better than the taste of food on my lips (A minute on my lips forever on my hips). I don't think so, I can and will do this.
As I planned my eating for the day, I also scheduled in my time to drink the protein, which is 4 times, when I wake, before lunch and before dinner and about 2 hours before I go to bed. This will give me at least 100gms of protein per day which is slighly above what the minimum recommended for a RNY person and that is a good thing.
I have found when I drink my protein while I am cooking for the family it satisfied my appetite so no tasting or real hunger issues. As for any cravings I just talk and rationalize that I can wait for next meal and so far it has been working.
I did weigh myself today and with just the prep and planning along with the practice I lost 10#. I am really happy about that I would like for it to be 50# but I gotta be realistic and I know I gotta start somewhere 10# is DAM good. I can see my self finally getting to my goal weight which is 170#

Ya'll please hang in here with me we all can lose or maintain...
WE CAN DO IT !!!!!!

Yesterday I had a fluid day to get rid of the 3.5 pounds I gained in three days…weekends do this to me.
I did have a little bit of food, my daughter and I were out shopping yesterday we were going from 10:00 till 4:30 in that time along with my water and tea I had. 1 coffee w 2 cream, one of the stores had plain popcorn I had about 1 ½ cups (boring w out butter) then at supper I had 2 slices of ham, 1 cup jello and 1 tbls of flax seeds.
I have been under a lot of stress this last free day and I have been eating some things I should not have, I have heard that stress can mess with your weight. know if you are a stress eater it will play havoc with the pounds… and I am a stress eater. I have to learn how to not feed my stress.
Anyways the combination of walking and fluids has done its job so I am happy.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Feb 9 2010 - 266
Feb 10 2010 - 263.5
Feb 11 2010 - 262.5
Feb 12 2010 - 262
Feb 13 2010 - 262
Feb 14 2010 - 262
Feb 15 2010 - 263
Feb 16 2010 - 263
Feb 17 2010 - 262
Feb 18 2010 - 261.5
Feb 19 2010 - 262.5 weigh & Graph day
Feb 20 2010 - 263.5
Feb 21 2010 - 264
Feb 22 2010 - 265 Well this has got me p$%^& off, I will be doing a clear liquid fast today!
Feb 23 2010 - 261.5 Yesterdays fluid day worked, I got on the scales several times to make sure the number was right. Read more in the Grrrrr thread
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow