Becks Diet Solution
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You could keep an extra pair of runners and some work out clothes in the trunk of your car. There has been lots of times I drive past the gym and stop in unplanned because I have my stuff with me.
Set up a reward system for yourself , may be a dollar in a jar every time you make it there and once you have $15-20 use it to treat yourself - maybe a brow wax ,a massage, a movie.
I have notice that the last few days there is less people at the gym because the weather is getting so nice. I think I will continue to go to the gym ever AM and save the outside walking for the evenings maybe I can get DH to go with me
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
April, I completely agree with Melva. You might even want to make some Positive Response cards, once that relate to both your and his negative talk. The fasting is a great idea, even if you just do it for a weekend.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
Enrich Your Life
Have you put your life on hold?
Have you put off enriching your life until you reach your goal?
Beck suggests you get your notebook out and make a list of things you would like to accomplish in this life time, big or small but not directly related to weight loss.
Look at your list and decide which ones you can start right now.
Begin to plan steps to achieve it.
The first thing on the list should be when you are going to start it - set a date.
Look into that course you have wanted to take and do it today. Today start looking at paint colours and buying paint brushes.
Beware of sabotaging thoughts - prepare for them!
Life is far too short not to “seize the moment" and pursue your dreams and desire.
Start living your life today!!!
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
I believe you are doing the right thing, work on your negative behaviors in a positive way, when your family See's the positive attitude it will make them respond more positively. Speaking of our children, have you noticed they act as we do, if you are negative they are negative, if you are positive they are too, they mimic what they see. The important thing is your positivity will ultimately wear off on him.
Here is something I have done before, I went on a fast for 1 month. a fast is not doing or eating something, for a period of time. I am not talking about food I am talking about fasting from any negative behavior or thoughts. After 1 month you should notice a difference for the better which is positivity.
You can do it, we will be here to support you...
My blood sugar levels are very stable now, and truthfully, I could not eat all day and it would not make me sick. I don't do this, because that makes it hard to meet my protein requirements. However, I noticed that I still panicky if I am not going to be able to eat for a while. I plan to revisit this some more on my second time around. I will be wrapping up my first time early next week.
I have been on a path to change myself from the inside out, and outside in. For a long time, I never liked who I was and decided I was gonig to start liking me for me. Growing up, I was always a negative person and carried over to my adulthood. When I got married, I never looked at my husband as a negative person. Of the two of us, he was always the more positive pleasant person. However, I have been working on me, and focusing on the positive. I still deal with the negatives if it is necessary, but I don't dwell on them. We were discussing an issue about our son last night, one that I didn't think required arguing or negativity, and I realized just how negative he was. Is it possible that he was always negative and I never noticed until I changed? I know a negative person can bring you down, but can a positive person bring you up? I guess what I am saying is, Can my postive changes eventually wear off on him or will his negativity ultimately win at pulling me back down?
I am going out of town this weekend, so I won't be able to get to the Y. But I did something last night that I think will force me to get to the gym. I made appointmetns with myself in my blackberry. Exercise is already on my mind all the time, and if the Blackberry reminds me to go too, I think I will get tired of not doing it and just go.
I scheduled several days a week at the Y, and a couple of days of walking. My friend lives down the street and when its pretty we like to walk outside together. She mentioned she wanted to start doing that again since it has warmed up.
I am getting excited about my new plan of attack on exercise.