Becks Diet Solution
How's it going?
Hi Melva, April and Bob, wondering how you are all doing?
I'm still hanging out on Day 24. Yesterday I went back to revisit some of the days that I feel need some extra attention.
I have slipped in some areas like giving myself credit and making a daily plan and even reading my ARC's. I feel if I am not doing these to the best of my ability I am cheating myself.
So I will take another day or two to get back on track and then on to Day 25.
I have read day 25-27 and honestly it scares me. If there is any lurkers that have got a handle on identifying sabotaging thoughts I would love to hear from you.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow
I have had a few days of being down in the dumps, and it seems that I just don't care. I still have to follow my plan for the most part or I will get sick, but I don't know how to handle the I don't care feelings.
As You Know I am on my 2nd day and so far ok. I do find I have to give myself a lot of credit. Yesterday for some reason i wanted to eat off my diet. I wasn't hungry or craving just wanted what was not on the plan. I think it is a good idea to stay on a certain day or 2, for reinforcement because there is a lot of ways to cheat yourself, understanding and rationalizing will help that issue.
Pull out the response cards and Just Do It.
We are all scared, I know I don't wanna regain my weight I risked my life to lose. My goal is to finally reach my goal.
It's ok to be scared, scared enough to stay on track , think of the alternative...
Bob thanks for sharing. Reminds me of one night I was packing his lunch and for every cookie that I put in his lunch one went in to my belly, I told him the next day that if he would like such thinks in his lunch he could purchase them and keep them in his truck or at work. He just laughed. So I never no if he has cookies for lunch or not and I don’t ask.
My hubby has a 32" waist and never has had weight issues, and really could care less about junk food….. lucky guy!!
April, Thank you for putting my feelings in your post “
I use to have a saying that I would use “feel the fear and do it anyways" hmm it never worked than and its not working now.
Dealing with day 25 is like taking my security blanket away and I’m not really sure that I want to give it up…I know I have to but….I know when I convince myself that I will survive and after I have acknowledged and deal with those sabotaging thoughts I will be 100% better off.
I have become frozen in fear", is exactly how I feel.I’m sorry you are feeling down, I think some of it has to do with the dirt the CT is digging up because I feel that way too. The last few days I find myself just wanting to cry…a healing cry if that makes since.
Keep going April I know you have some other personal things going on but these feeling cant last for long.
Melva, thanks for the reassuring words and your strength. Glad to hear your doing good sticking to your food plan. Were you able to resist the unplanned eating yesterday? Remember your cold water tip that you gave us when that happens again.
2nd time started 03/23/2010 -
Heres what I will do daily to succeed:
Read Advantage Lists 2 xs a day or more if needed
Sit Down, Slow Down, Enjoy Each Bite
Credit myself
Be accountable here daily
Exercise is not an option
Be aware of cravings and desires
Plan meals today for tomorrow