Back On Track Together
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Thank you! It was that article that I noticed a few weeks back in the OH newsletter that I received via email. I haven't visited OH in a very very long time. But now, I need the support and guidance of this kind of group to help me. Thanks.
Cathy you have such good advice. I have been struggling this week especially with popcorn, my fav snack. I got way thirsty. I have noticed I'm not as hungry which is good cause sometimes I went hungry, which we all now that is a recipe for disaster. This site is amazing. Wish I had found it sooner.
Have a good day!
on 4/22/15 10:03 pm
Great list! Some I did not know of. Only one I have that is not listed is Emily Bites. It reminds me of eggface, but NO ONE can compete with eggface! BEST one of them all in my opinion.
You have all the ones I read and more!
I also look on tumblr and pinintrest.
I've also been looking at some disabled people food blog sites to look for recipes that are very quick and easy to cook. I like no more ramen on tumblr. They aren't all good recipes for me but I do find treasures.
Let's share our favorite bariatric and healthy recipe sites in this thread. I'm always looking for great bariatric-friendly/healthy recipe sites.
Here are mine: pes/
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Some of my favorite recipe sites are:
Good for you about the gym.........You go Girl!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Welcome to BOTT. I like your username of italianspice.
You're in the right place to lose your regain and to get/stay on track. It is great that you're losing!!
If you want and are comfortable sharing what's going on with you, you'll find lots of support here. Like you, I'm going through a tough situation and having a hard time staying on track. I made a post here and I received lots of support and great suggestions that have helped me and made a difference being on track.
You are definitely not alone!!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Weight regain is common....we all understand and relate to how you're feeling. Regain comes on fast and generally leaves slower. You've gained 30, however, it isn't 50 or more. 30 pounds is doable.
We have a thread where we share what is going on in our lives and we "commit" our eats for the day. Check it out and post every day. It helps me a lot. This is a private group so we're able to share here with other BOTTers.
Welcome to BOTT - I'm glad you're here!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Hi Amie_Lynn,
Welcome to BOTT - I'm glad you joined us and introduced yourself. I've been a drinker with my meals pre-op so it was a hard habit to break. One of the things that helped me was to imagine your pouch as a funnel. We want to feel that sense of satiety (fullness) for as long as possible. When we drink with our meals, it essentially flushes away the food that we've eaten AND the satiety so we feel hungry again much sooner. That image of drinking flushing my food out of my pouch helped me. I hope it helps you too.
You can post here anything at anytime so we can support you.
Happy BOTTing, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
on 4/22/15 3:20 am
I did my workout at the gym again and REALLY feel it now but as long as I can work and move I tell myself feeling it means it's working :D I don't get home until after 6pm so I have to eat dinner later. But in a way I like that because I don't have to sit and think about food for 4 hours before I go to bed. I try my hardest not to have "bad" foods in the house! If they are there they are going to temp and torture me. It is good you are monitoring how your cloths fit!!! I wear scrubs to work (and around the house most the time-haha) which is NOT a good thing for helping you notice when cloths fit tighter!