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Just an idea since I have the night eating disorder myself, I keep on hand those high protein bars, low sugar, like the Atkins bars, quick, sweet, mostly All protein, but when you're eating it, if you find something that appeals to your onw taste, then there you have it, sweet, and protein. feeling as well if you get the meat replacement bars, just try to include them into your daily cal. count the day before or the next days. Hope this can help someone out there. Have a good Morning, Here on the west coast it's after 3am, and so I must go I will be back more, realizing my time spent here is a bit more important to my life then on fb, doesn't mean I won't go there, but just means I won't spend as much time there and more here so perhaps I can regain control over my life and this extra weight, knowing I am now alone, feels pretty good. Until tomorrow sometimes. I am outta here, night.

Hello everyone,
I come and go, mostly reading and absorbing to learn what is posted. I am an emotional eater and a night eater. I sleep walk and one of the stupid things I end up doing in my sleep is eating. So it is almost like my Mother and Husband now have to join in on the foods I have to eat to BOTT. It is shameful, This is the first time other then a few trusted people besides my mother, husband, couple of others and of course medical drs. who knows. The more emotional, upset, stressed I am the worse off I get.
I have seen my goal weight, and now I am 5 5 weighing in at about 200. This isn't acceptable to me. I have poor health, so right now the best exercise and emotional stress relief I get is walking, and grooming my service dog, my little shih Tzu Starr. And now I have finally ( since they are pretty much out dated ) have a WII, my husband I compete on there to try to out beat each others scores. This is another help to emotional eating. I am also praying my dietitian has me on the right post WLS diet that won't cause a carb addiction to over ride my will power. Have had this happening to me lately with the emotional eating. Gotta have that drug (candy bar ) in the evening. Last few nights I have been able to keep from it, husband isn't doing to good, but he is fighting it through with me, love that man.
I also try to focus on this
She (he) can who things she (he) can.
She (he) can't who thinks she (he) can't
My momma and others use to say, can't, can't and won't get anything done so leave that word out of your statements, and instead, say, I CAN try. I CAN GIVE it a try. or will try, ect.
and of course the biblical verse,
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Amen GOOD NIGHT

Good morning botts
I am 209 lbs. which is 11 lbs. less than Feb. I tried Slimfast yesterday and it went well. I will try one more day today. It isn't a lifestyle change but it ok for a while. I really want to get under 200 lbs. by Memorial day. I am able to eat 1200 calories which is less than normal for me. Any port in a storm.
I received another rejection for the Apollo procedure. It is ok because we have a $7000 deductible this year and I have accepted that I have to eat fewer calories without restriction or limitations. I wonder if $7000 would cover the procedure?
I think Edie has the Apollo today. I pray everything goes well and she is losing again. My GI doctor has had success with it.
Have a great day everyone. Tri
As I remember today is the day that Eddie starts her pre op diet for the Appolo procedure. Like many of us, she is in need of a revision. I know she will be in our thoughts and prayers. Keep in touch and let us know how it is going. Sincerely, Tri

I had 2 doctors try to contact insurance but they turned me down. It is what it is. I am happy for you to be given this opportunity. I look forward to your success. I sounds like a good procedure because the doctor's can maneuver the scope so well. Keep in touch, Tri
It has been very quiet here, I'm planning on checking in a lot more?
Take care, Edie

I'm having the apollo overstitch done next week so I will be on liquids for almost 2 weeks starting Friday. Then it progresses to one week purees one week soft foods and then reg foods. So its four shakes a day for 5 days, then after my procedure its a week of liquids. But once I get on the purees will start posting my food on here. But I will be cheering you on until then. Great job on the exercise, I need to start, when a little weight comes off it will be easier to walk more. You're absolutely right about making new habits, I let the old ones back in and gained about 30 lbs back. These surgeries are tools and do the work for you the first year or so but I know first hand I will gain it back if I don't changs my eating habits. I don't think its possible to lose 60 lbs by Memorial Day (to be under 200 lbs, need to lose 100 more total) but I'm going to do the best I can. I know we can do this Tri!
Have a great day,

Hi Botts
I hope you are doing well. I am down 1 more pound this morning 211 lbs. I found a post from Thanksgiving and I was 209 lbs. Pick myself up, dust myself off and start over again.
This morning I walked up and down the aisles at Walmart and picked up a few groceries. Then I went to the gym and swam. Then I relaxed in the steam room and showered. Sometimes I think I get more out of the steam room than the swim. My gym is 5 minutes from my house. Why don't I do this daily?
Memorial Day is 8 weeks away. Could I be under 200 lbs. for the first time in many years by this summer? I would feel so much better about myself.
I read many old posts last night. Many of us have replaced habits in the past to become healthier. I hope they are continuing or can restart. Please join me for the next 8 weeks.
Sincerely, Tri harder