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Water with lemon & lime 80 0z. finished drink before 4:30. One day I want to do lemon & lime water, the next do the green tea.
Trying to get in more water, challenging my self and it's working

S- Crackers (4 small)
S- Greek yogurt
S- 2 cheese & salami wraps.
S- Fiber 1 bar
D- Salmon & Spinach
Walked a little yesterday, & a lot today!
Felt good! the weather was awesome!
Too many snacks huh. Part of it was stress, so I noticed that, and I should have did more liquids, next time green tea! it is.
I had a few sips of Protein supp. left overs from previous days smoothies.
How was your day today?
Peace jbug

Hi Botts
I am bouncing around 210 lbs. I need to move 250 calories more and eat 250 calories less everyday...sounds so simple!
The good: I know the quiche made from a protein/fiber rich tortilla is a great idea for me. Also my veggie soup and salad are good choices. The blueberry plain Greek yogurt smoothie is healthy. Last night I had protein cocoa and Nutrasystem cookies which were great. They will be my "go to" evening snack.
The bad: too much good food at dinner and lunch.
The answer: measure my meat and starches (brown rice, potatoes, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread). I know from Weigh****chers that 1/2 cup is plenty. I think my 1/2 cup has grown.
I need to clean, garden or work out 2 hours a day. I did that today.
Have a great day. Tri
My meal plan:
B: spinach quiche with tortilla crust
L: chicken drumstick, my veggie soup, 1/2 cup brown rice pasta and GARLIC BREAD (from the freezer and not on plan)
S: blueberry smoothie and smaller salad
D: 1 cup vegetable chili, roasted veggies
S: Nutrasystem cookies and protein cocoa
Good evening botts:
My meals today:
B: spinach quiche
S: green beans alfredo
L: chicken leg
S: pineapple
D: beef tenderloin and veggie rice
S: Nutrasystem cookies and protein cocoa
Happy Mother's day to you! & Me!
This week, I will do low carbs & pump up my movement. (Low carb one meal a day).
( I need to go on the treadmill right now!)
B-Vits. Protein supp. Green tea/80oz. I did it! ( done by 4pm.) I planned to do more water, but I did not ?
L- Low carb meal ( 3 Swiss cheese & salami rollers)
S- Keylime Greek yogurt flip ( too high) 25 carbs. Protein was good, 12,
D- Salmon & salad! Mother's day treat! (My sis & mom wanted spaghetti and meatballs, I passed. I wanted to eat healthier! So I stuck to my plan.
S- Water challenge part 2! ( May opt for a Apple martini instead. Those are my weakness. I love my Spirits!! ( Save that for another day. )
Enjoy your day!
Chat soon.
Good morning botts:
I think losing a pound after a huge weight loss is great. Often people don't lose anything the second week of dieting. You guys are doing great. I need to step it up a bit. Yesterday I ate too much at the party. I hope today will be better for me. Tri
I'm Sure your weight loss will show next week, you're probably having water retention, it is frustrating!
Take care,

B 1 egg, 3 bacon and 1/2 slice dry wheat toast
L tuna salad on a sandwich thin
D chicken crust pizza and 16 Pringles (weak moment)
S DD iced coffee w almond milk and splenda, 1 oz. Cheddar, 6 triscuits and 8 oz chicarones
Tomorrow lots of water and a lot less carbs and salt!

After going through the constipation event. I decided to do liquids during the day, and one meal for dinner. Which needed to be some form of veggies. Only meat has been chicken. It's all about the protein.
This let down, only encourages me to step up my movement/exercise game!! I am breaking out the step!! ASAP.
Got on the scale Sat. morn. Disappointed, only 1 pound dwn. this week. My monthly was on, so perhaps I am off. Plus I definitely increased my water this week? So what happen? Perhaps next Sat. will be a better weigh in day. I guess a 1 lb. loss is better than gaining a pound. Or no loss at all right? The weather has been cold and dreary so that is not helping the mood at all. Not giving up. On a physical good note. My knee is not paining me? due to some wl. I can only hope.
It's only been 2 weeks officially. And in total -14lbs. So if I look at it like that, I am still encouraged to keep pushing. 199 here I come.
Today's menu
B- Protein supp. drink.
S- Green tea/water
L- Omelette w/ onions & peppers. Cheese. 4 small pieces of Eckrich sausage. (Atkins model low carbs regiment.
S-Greek yogurt
D- Protein supp.
? Want to do step tape or treadmill walk & jog.
Keep you posted on that one.
I think you all have some great ideas. 1/2 gallon Crystal light green tea, 2 protein powder scoops in water or coffee, 1 cup meals. If I do that I will lose weight. Have a great day. Tri
My plan today:
B: 1/4 8 inch spinach quiche with whole grain/flax seed tortilla crust
S: protein coffee
L: chicken thigh and smaller salad
S and D party: protein coffee and I will focus on fruit, veggies and lean protein
S: fruit and Nutrasystem cookies
My food:
B: clementine and Greek yogurt
S: salad
L: pizza
S: my veggie soup
D: Lasagna and green beans
S: fruit salad and Nutrasystem cookies