Back On Track Together
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B egg white delight (yuck )
S breakfast burrito
L 2 chick fillet chicken tenders and half order fries (I know)
Ham and sweet potato. I think or frozen dinner
Not feeling great today headache and tired, tomorrow will be better.
Take care,

Good morning botts:
I am up at 5 am. The morning is going to be nice so I will plant my remaining plants and do some more weeding and trimming. I have to clean the refrigerator and the stove this afternoon. Have a great day. Tri
B: my sf/ff coconut cheesecake
S: salad
L: roast beef, cheddar and whole wheat open face sandwich
S: Greek yogurt and orange
D: beef tenderloin and 2 slices whole wheat bread and my veggie soup
S: Slimfast snack and protein cocoa
B: spinach quiche
L: spinach quiche
D: sandwich: roast beef and cheddar cheese on whole wheat bread
S: Slimfast snack and protein cocoa
I am sure my body is adjusting as it should, but you know how it is. Food choices, were not 100% on point all week, so it's no wonder right. However I will take it.
15lbs. in total thus far is awesome none the less. I am happy. I just expected more. I did a water challenge each day, 80oz. or more.
This weekend I had crabs, it is at the top of my list of my most favorite things to eat in life!!! with real butter.
Both no carbs. They were so sweet and good.
I couldn't have them for Mother's day? and I can't have them next weekend, because they will surely hike up the prices, so this weekend was my time to enjoy, some CRABS!!! in which I ultimately truly did.
So tomorrow, back to the grind.
Water challenge will continue with the green tea mixed in, that is SF. Exercise was just okay last week, but I really need to pu**** hard this week. For sure I will do my treadmil, and my step workout tape, yes I said tape, it's ancient old, but it's one of my most intense and cardio workout ever. I love STEP! aerobics, do they even still call it that??
Food is manageable.
Meat this week coming up. Salmon in two meals is planned for dinner with veggies/zucchini squash.
I have some broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, and dip, to do? so yogurts. as an after school snack?
Fruit will be banana's in my smoothies, but they are supper high in carbs,so I may have to lax on those?
I have watermelon, strawberries, and raspberries?
May add to my protein supp. shake in the mornings.
I went out with some friends on Thurs. & ate off plan. No bread though, but it was tough. The very next day. I got back on plan.
Even today my son went to a birthday party. I ordered a a chix. salad, what appeared to be the healthiest "thing" on the menu?? Quite tasty I did enjoy it, but it was so tempting seeing all the other selections. Even having to pass up on the cake was hard too. ( I used to work in a bakery) so I just used that Will power, but if I was no****ching my food, I would of had some bday cake indeed. Everything looked so delicious. Trying to stay true, but it's not so easy to do.
It never is. Sorry I have not posted in a few days, I've been super busy. I am pursing a new teaching position, so I've been consumed with that task.
Have a good week.
Good evening botts:
Yesterday ended up not so good for me. When I am around people that are eating I eat too. It is a kind of emotional (celebration) eating. It was a fun day though. Again today I didn't have any water...only coffee! I will drink water tonight. Have a great rest of your day. Tri
B: quiche
S: 1/2 nut crunch protein bar
L: salad: lettuce, tomato, ff dressing, nuts and seeds, cheese, roast beef and croutons.
S: Piece of salami bread (not a good choice)
D: my veggie soup, grass fed beef, whole wheat roll
S: Slimfast snack and protein cocoa
Good evening botts:
I went to a seminar today so I was a little off track. I was going to not post but decided I would stay on track better if I planned the rest of my day. So far I have had coffee and water yet! Have a good day. Tri
B: spinach quiche
S: fruit salad and 1/2 protein bar
L: chicken Caesar wrap, bag of chips, 1/2 c potato salad (I gave away the cookie)
S: My sf/ff cheesecake
D: nachos (not a good choice)
Hi Botts:
I am 208 this morning. I really cleaned a lot yesterday. Maybe that helped. Sounds like you have nice students. Have a great day. Tri
B: deviled eggs and toast
S: pineapple
L: salad and chicken breast
S: sharp cheddar cheese
D: chili
S: nutrasystem cookies and protein cocoa
Sounds like it is going well. Our weather in WI is finally great too. 80s and sunny...beautiful. take care, Tri
This is a good feeling.
B-Vits & Protein & Green tea flavored water/ 80 oz. again.
S- ( 4 small crackers) one of my students gave them to me at lunch, how sweet right?
S- 3 low carb salami & cheese wraps.
S- Key-lime Greek yogurt .
D- Spinach & veggie omelette.
S-? More H2o.
Walk is planned, have not left as yet?