Back On Track Together
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I am really struggling. My health has gone downhill since my RNY almost 12 years ago. Food rapidly slides through my GI track nonstop because my surgeon used a stricture resistant (too large) stoma hole maker. My blood sugars have been worse since the RNY. I gained 20 lbs. to have the surgery (195#) because it was supposed to "cure" diabetes. I only lost 14 lbs. by my 1 year post op visit so I was in the restore trial which also failed. Now I am another 40 lbs. heavier. I had part of my foot amputated in February because the bone was infected. Today I read the results from a EKG that was done in January. I had an abnormal EKG because I had a silent septal infarction (heart attack) sometime since the RNY. None of my doctors mentioned it. Basically the RNY is slowly killing me. I do the best when I log my meals here. It helps me stay on track. So here I go again. Tri
B: Jimmy dean delight, 2 clementines, 6 oz. plain Greek yogurt
L: 2 cups lettuce, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, low fat dressing, 1/2 cup potato salad, 2 oz. turkey, 1 slice Swiss cheese
D: my veggie soup, 5 oz. chicken breast, 1/2 cup potato salad, 4 chocolate dipped strawberries
S: Slimfast snack, SF ice cream bar, 1/2 scone
Exercise: cleaning, laundry and gardening 3hours
I feel like I just started yesterday.
My food choices could have been better this week.
I had a scale dilemma analog vs. digital.
Needless to say, they had different weights.
I saw with my own eyes, the analog move, however when I got on the digital scale, it was off? does that mean it's more reliable?
It's hard to say?
What do you think?
Feedback is welcomed.
I notice individuals are reading my posts, but that's it.
It's okay.
I will continue to post as long as I choose too.
Have a good week , all.
The scale has moved? a little confused with the numbers but I will take it in stride.
Roughly down -6lbs. My food could be better. I will work on that from here on out.
I feel more restriction, could it be? Now I know this will work.
I have a close friend that jumped on board.
I need to get a battery for my digital scale, and I will see the difference from that weigh in to my analog scale.
Such a long way to go.
One day at a time. Sweet Jesus.
Checking in.
Iv'e only been back on track for just a few weeks, and it feels like watching paint dry.
Clothing is loosening up a little I guess, or at least I want to think that they are.
I am trying my best, to stay on track and stay focused.
I have to push my self more to exercise more, I now have a beloved fitbit, tracking my every step?
I am currently working with a summer school program, that is on site, at the biggest school building I've ever been in.
Therefore, I am walking away some pounds, or at least getting my self in shape for more to come. Up and down steps several times during the day as well. Walking these long, long hallways.
We just started week 3, of the program, and I feel stronger already, moving about and walking constantly.
A great start, to get me ready to do more walking outdoors, or via my treadmill, that currently has dust build up, but not for long. I can promise you that.
How are you in your journey currently?
Best wishes.
Alcohol and fruits re my kryptonite. Unfortunately with neither one I can keep it in reasonable. I love fruits. Once in a while I allow myself some fruits. Like yesterday. I really need Cherie's. I bought a pound, and I was planning to have that as a snack for a week. Yea, I ate the whole pound of cherries. Not in one sitting, or rather not in 5-10 min, but during the late afternoon,- evening. Instead of dinner. Well, I had a few slices of swiss cheese.
Today course I am gassy, bloated, and feel heavy. But ..cherr cheare no longer at home at I would be a while before I buy them again. I know I could eat much worse foods like chocolate and candies.
Before RNY- I would never considered cherries as a sinful pleasure. Now I do.
I got too heavy, and would like to get rid off 15-20 lbs. Because the way I am build - I am still considered "normal size",so the motivation to lose weight is rather weak at the moment. Back pain - that I know could be improved if I lose the 15 lbs, is my major motivation.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
From lowest wt. regain of 38lbs.
I need to lose, 61 lbs.
If you want to get back on track as well? Post a message. This place is ghost town.
I stay clear of the main boards, they can be brutal if you don't come often.
I can back last year, and they were really judgmental, did not know who I was?
Well I've been visiting OH since 2007. I come and go.
So for today I am back, maybe tomorrow maybe not?
Either way I will always check in, as long as the site exists.
One thing I can say, is I am loyal. I don't come often, but I will never forget, and I always check in at some point.
It's all good.
My new food plan is currently, Intermittent fasting. 16/8
This is my first week.
So you ask? How's that working out for you? So far, fairly good. Again I had to cease my beloved ****tails.
I truly miss my Apple martinis indeed. Right now, weight loss is more important to me.
Too many calories. Giving up my Spirits is major for me. I did a while back to lose some weight for my graduation.
In reading old posts, I lost 20lbs. Wow. I impressed my self, see, it can be done, you just have to commit to a plan and major change of diet and exercise always work, if you work it.
Inspiration came from a photo taken on July 7, 2018, pictures don't lie.
Also inspired to feel better physically, weight gain has been hard on my old body frame.
Getting this 50-60lbs. off of me, would be the best feeling ever.
But now I most certainly do.
I may not post daily, but I will check in more often.
The journey continues.
Post-op over 10 yrs. now. Regain. 38lbs. ;-(
From my lowest weight.
I need to lose roughly 60lbs. Purpose to feel and look better of course.
Easy right? Well....
One day at a time is all I can handle.
Pretty much trying to make better food choices, and moving as much as I can handle.
Does you son really need the junk food? He would get condition to eating things like that.
How about start him on a healthier diet? IMO Some of those items are not good for you, or a child.
If not - you may need to try to find out why do you have the cravings. Maybe something is not right. I.e. when I crave chocolate, I often need magnesium. Sweets? my hormones are off or the candida in my gut needs treatment.(like now).
I try to have a substitute food for my cravings. Nuts, or nut butters. Or get good hot cup of tea, or even 85% dark chocolate.
The more sugar i eat - the more I crave. And the more i eat it.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
i had RNY 2003.. lately i wan to eat my son's snacks like animal crackers, fruit snacks, toast. i have been doing keto for a year but lately i just want to get into my 3 year old's son's snacks. how can i stop?. i did gain from it. 6 pounds in a week. i have read where keto people will binge. i think that is me, i have lost lots of my regain from old bad habits. i was 150 now i am back up to 156 pounds last night i checked.
Good for you! Hope you're doing well.

HW: 301 SW: 266 CW: 206 GW: 170