Back On Track Together
How is everyone doing?
Hi Botts:
I am up and down again. I lose for a while then I regain some. Then I relose those same lbs. I am not eating "junk" but still eating too much healthy food. I am back down to 212 lbs. from 228 lbs...again. I guess it is better than just gaining and gaining. I now have a $7,000 deductible again in 2017. The Apollo was turned down in 2016. I have to limit calories somehow. I find that if I eat 3 fruits, a salad and my veggie soup I eat fewer calories in a day. My foot surgery from last June has still not healed completely. It makes exercise difficult. I am looking forward to summer.
It sure is quiet around here. How is everyone else doing these days?
Sorry to hear about your foot, my sister had both operated on too at separate times, it's a very long painful recovery, it takes a long time for feet to heal I guess. I'm sure you tried this already, the scheduling person told me that if I got turned down for the Apollo that my Dr. would contact my insurance himself for approval. Maybe if you and your surgeon keeps pestering them they will approve it. Keeping you in my prayers.
It has been very quiet here, I'm planning on checking in a lot more?
Take care, Edie
It has been very quiet here, I'm planning on checking in a lot more?
Take care, Edie